Steamed broccoli and seafood in wine

main dish


ブロッコリーとシーフードのワイン蒸し (broccoli to seafood no wine mushi)

What kind of dish is broccoli to seafood no wine mushi⁇

A fragrant steamed dish of broccoli and seafood.

Large scallops and squid were cheap, so I just bought them. I made a simple recipe because the ingredients had more presence than normal frozen seafood. The combination of seafood, wine, herbs, and garlic aromas is exquisite.

I used half of the seafood for the gratin.

Check out the recipe for seafood gratin here.                              👉 Gratin of winter vegetables and seafood

⋈* About Herb salt

A seasoning made by mixing herbs and rock salt. It goes well with meat and seafood dishes, as well as pasta, salads, and egg dishes.
You can add a refreshing flavor just by sprinkling it.

Common herbal salts include thyme, oregano, basil, parsley, rosemary, celery, and pepper.
2g of herbal salt often contains about 1.5g of salt. If you don’t have herbal salt, use 1.5g of salt and 0.5g of herbs.

What kind of food is Broccoli??

Broccoli was developed from kale, which is native to the Mediterranean region, and was improved in Italy and spread to Europe.

It was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period, but it did not become widespread until the 1970s. Since then, broccoli has grown in popularity due to its high nutritional value, and in 2026 it was certified as a ”designated vegetable important to people’s daily lives.”

We usually eat broccoli buds and stems. It is said that there are over 100 types of broccoli, although they all look the same.

The daily requirement for vitamin C is 100mg. 100g of broccoli contains 120mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is easily lost when heated, boiled, or soaked in water, so try to keep the cooking time short.

In the case of boiling, put it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then spread it on a colander and let it cool. Do not soak in water as the texture will deteriorate.

When using in stir-fries, it takes time for the stems to soften, so heat them in the microwave for about 2 minutes beforehand.

Cauliflower, a similar vegetable, is also a derivative of kale, just like broccoli, but broccoli is classified as a green-yellow vegetable. Broccoli contains more beta-carotene than cauliflower.

Recently, a new variety of broccoli called Stick Senor has been increasing in distribution. Broccoli sprouts, which are the young shoots of broccoli, are also attracting attention as a health food because they are rich in sulforaphane.

There are many types of cauliflower, and Romanesco has become increasingly popular in recent years.


150 kcal Protein 20.9g Fat 3.7g Carb 7.3g Salt Equivalent 1.2g


  • shrimp 60g
  • squid 60g
  • scallop 60g
  • broccoli 150g
  • garlic 6g
  • butter 5g
  • white wine 50g
  • basil salt 2g


➀ Remove the back intestine of the shrimp.

Peel the shrimp, make an incision in the back and pull out the black string.
It’s a simple dish, but let’s carefully prepare it so that the smell of seafood does not remain.

② Wash the shrimp, squid, and scallops, wipe off any dirt, and cut into large pieces.

③ Cut broccoli into bite-sized pieces.

④ Heat the broccoli stems in the microwave for about 1 minute.

⑤ Roughly mince the garlic and put it in a frying pan with butter and heat it over low heat.

⑥ When the garlic smells good, add the broccoli, shrimp, squid, and scallops and fry.

⑦ When the color of the seafood changes, sprinkle with basil salt and sprinkle with white wine.

⑧ Cover and steam for 5 minutes on medium heat.

