Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese

side dish
Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese

Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

Broccoli no cheese yaki(ブロッコリーのチーズ焼き)

Wht kind of dish is broccoli no cheese yaki??

Broccoli and bacon topped with cheese and baked in the oven.

Broccoli is the vegetable that is currently attracting the most attention in Japan.

The broccoli is cooked to maintain its crispy texture, so it’s satisfying to eat. It is low in oil and salt, but the flavor of bacon and cheese makes it delicious.

A healthy and colorful dish☆*:.。.

What kind of food is broccoli⁇

Broccoli was developed from kale, which is native to the Mediterranean region, and was improved in Italy and spread to Europe.

It was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period, but it did not become widespread until the 1970s. Since then, broccoli has grown in popularity due to its high nutritional value, and in 2026 it was certified as a ”designated vegetable important to people’s daily lives.”

We usually eat broccoli buds and stems. It is said that there are over 100 types of broccoli, although they all look the same.

The daily requirement for vitamin C is 100mg. 100g of broccoli contains 120mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is easily lost when heated, boiled, or soaked in water, so try to keep the cooking time short.

In the case of boiling, put it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then spread it on a colander and let it cool. Do not soak in water as the texture will deteriorate.

When using in stir-fries, it takes time for the stems to soften, so heat them in the microwave for about 2 minutes beforehand.

Cauliflower, a similar vegetable, is also a derivative of kale, just like broccoli, but broccoli is classified as a green-yellow vegetable. Broccoli contains more beta-carotene than cauliflower.

Recently, a new variety of broccoli called Stick Senor has been increasing in distribution. Broccoli sprouts, which are the young shoots of broccoli, are also attracting attention as a health food because they are rich in sulforaphane.

NUTRITION FACTS of Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese

250 kcal Protein 15.7g Fat 18.3g Carb 7.2g Salt Equivalent 1.0g

INGREDIENTS for Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese

  • broccoli 100g
  • bacon 30g
  • cheese 25g
  • pepper appropriate amount

Oven Baked Broccoli Recipe topped with Bacon and Cheese COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀ Cut the broccoli.

Check out this page for instructions on how to cut broccoli, which is very easy to understand.  👉 https://oceans-nadia.com/cooking_basics/194

After cutting the broccoli, place it in a heat-resistant dish and heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes to make it softer, making it suitable for children and the elderly to eat.

② Cut the bacon into strips.

③ Place the broccoli, bacon, and cheese on a heat-resistant plate.

You can toss the broccoli with olive oil and salt to suit your taste.

④ Place the baking sheet in the middle rack of an oven without preheating, set it to 180 degrees, and bake for 25 minutes.

If you bake the broccoli in a preheated oven to 180 degrees, the broccoli stems will burn before they are fully cooked.

⑤ Sprinkle with pepper.




ブロッコリーはシャキシャキとした食感を残して調理しているので食べ応えがあります。 油分・塩分控えめですが、ベーコンとチーズの風味が効いて美味しいです。




日本には明治時代初期に導入されましたが、普及したのは1970年代になってからです。 その後、栄養価の高さからブロッコリーの人気が高まり、2026年には「国民生活に大切な野菜」に認定されました。

私たちは通常、ブロッコリーのつぼみや茎を食べます。 ブロッコリーは見た目はほとんど同じですが100種類以上あるといわれています。

ビタミンCの1日の必要量は100mgです。 ブロッコリー100gにはビタミンCが120mg含まれています。


茹でる場合は沸騰したお湯に3分入れ、ザルに広げて冷まします。 食感が悪くなるので水に浸さないでください。


似た野菜のカリフラワーもブロッコリーと同じケールの派生種ですが、ブロッコリーは緑黄色野菜に分類されます。 ブロッコリーにはカリフラワーよりも多くのβカロテンが含まれています。

最近はスティックセニョールという新品種のブロッコリーの流通が増えています。 ブロッコリーの若芽であるブロッコリースプラウトにはスルフォラファンが豊富に含まれており、健康食品としても注目されています。


  • ブロッコリー 100g
  • ベーコン 30g
  • チーズ 25g
  • こしょう 適量


➀ ブロッコリーを切ります。

ブロッコリーの切り方はこちらのページでとても分かりやすく解説されていますので、ぜひご覧ください。 👉  https://oceans-nadia.com/cooking_basics/194








