Japanese salad with tofu and whitebait

side dish

tofu to shirasu no wahu salad(豆腐としらすの和風サラダ)

What kind of dish is tofu to shirasu no wahu salad??

A Japanese-style salad made with ingredients rich in high-quality protein and minerals, such as tofu, eggs, and whitebait.

This salad goes well with a soy sauce-based dressing.

I also highly recommend this recipe using whitebait. Check it out. 👇👇👇

Vinegared eggplant, shiso and myoga

What kind of food is tofu??

To make tofu, soybeans are first soaked in water overnight and ground in a blender. Add water to this, bring to a boil, then squeeze. This will separate the soy milk and okara. Tofu is made by mixing bittern with soy milk.

Tofu has a light taste, so it is an ingredient that can be easily used in any kind of Japanese, Western, or Chinese cuisine. The types of tofu are divided into “momen”, “soft” and “kinugoshi”.

Cotton has a firm texture and the taste of seasonings is easy to get used to.
Silken has a smooth texture and a light taste.

Momen means cotton, and silk means silk. Soft is right in the middle. Use whatever you like. I used soft tofu.

What kind of dish is shirasu??

White bait is called “Shirasu”.
“Shirasu” is a general term for young sardines.
It is a product that is boiled in salt water and then dried.

The name changes depending on the moisture content after boiling.

The ones with a moisture content of 90-80% are called “shirasu”, those with a moisture content of 70-65% are called “shirasu boshi”, and those with a higher degree of dryness are called “chirimenjako”.


122 kcal Protein 11.9g Fat 6.2g Carb 6.9g Salt quivalent 0.6g


  • okura 30g
  • egg
  • onion 30g
  • carrot 20g
  • tofu 160g
  • lettuce 30g
  • cherry tomato 45g
  • whitebait 25g
  • broccoli sprouts 5g


① Boil the okra for 2 minutes.

② Remove the okra from the pot and let it cool.

③ Put the eggs into the pot where you took out the okra and boil for 9 minutes. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into appropriate sizes.

④ Slice the onions thinly.

⑤ Cut the carrots into julienne pieces.

⑥ Cut the tofu into appropriate sizes.

⑦ Wash and tear the lettuce.

⑧ Cut the cherry tomatoes into appropriate sizes.

⑨ Arrange all ingredients on a plate.

