Hiyashi chuka ( Cold ramen )

staple food


mara hiyashi chuka(麻辣冷やし中華)

What kind of dish is mara hiyashi chuka??

There are various cold noodle dishes such as somen, zaru soba, bukkake udon, and cold pasta, but “hiyashi chuka” is probably the representative.
It is also a summer tradition in Japan. From around May, convenience stores will display flags that say, “Hiyashi chuka hajimemashita.” “Hiyashi” means “cold” in English and “chuka” means “Chinese” in English. “Hajimemashita” means that the sale has started.

By the way, hiyashi chuka has “Chinese” in its name, but it is a dish that originated in Japan. In Japanese cuisine, the word chuka is often used in the names of dishes that use sesame oil.

Chinese noodles are boiled and cooled in cold water, and various ingredients are served on top.
Ham, steamed chicken, thinly sliced eggs, and summer vegetables (cucumber, tomato, etc.) are commonly used as ingredients.
Those ingredients are arranged radially on top of the noodles.

There are two popular sauces: sesame-based and soy sauce-based.

Bringing the sauce to a boil will soften the acidity and allow the sugar to dissolve. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, so it’s a good idea to prepare it in advance.

This recipe uses a soy sauce-based sauce with ”麻辣香油” added to it.
“麻” means Sichuan pepper, and “辣” means chili pepper.
It is a mixed of two different spiciness, the tongue-numbing spiciness of Sichuan pepper and the tongue-tingling spiciness of chili peppers.

The Mala I used is from momoya. Check out this site.                      👉 https://www.momoya.co.jp/shop/products/detail/115


684kcal Protein 36.5g Fat 19.4g Carb 94.7g Salt Equivalent 3.9g


  • ☆soy sauce 15g
  • ☆sake 5g
  • ☆black vinegar 25g
  • ☆sugar 5g
  • ☆chicken broth mix 1g
  • ☆sesame oil 3g
  • Chinese noodles (half raw) 125g If you use dried noodles, around 110g.
  • ice moderate amount
  • pea sprouts 10g
  • skinless chicken fillet 60g
  • cucumber 40g
  • egg
  • oil 2g
  • tomato 40g
  • 麻辣香油 10g


➀ Mix soy sauce, sake, black vinegar, sugar, chicken broth mix, and sesame oil and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds.

② After boiling the noodles for 3 minutes, put them in a colander and remove the heat with running water. After that, soak it in ice water to wash it, and squeeze it lightly to drain the water. This dish does not taste good if the noodles are warm.

③ Pea sprouts can be eaten raw, but I briefly dip them in hot water while the noodles are boiling to make them a little softer.

④ Place the skinless chicken fillet in a heat-resistant container, cover with plastic wrap, and heat in the microwave for 2 minutes. When the heat is removed, loosen it.

⑤ Slice the cucumber.

⑥ Spread the beaten egg thinly on a frying pan with hot oil. When the fire goes through, cut it into thin pieces.

⑦ Cut the tomatoes into wedges.

⑧ Put it on a plate and sprinkle 麻辣香油 and sauce on it.


日本の夏の風物詩でもあります。 5月頃からコンビニに「冷やし中華はじめました」のぼり旗が掲げられるようになります。 「冷やし:hiyashi」は英語で「cold」を意味し、「中華:chuka」は英語で「Chinese style」を意味します。 「はじめました:hajimemashita」は販売が始まったことを意味します。

ちなみに冷やし中華は名前に「chuka」と付いていますが、日本発祥の料理です。 日本料理では、ごま油を使った料理の名前に「chuka」という言葉がよく使われます。



ソースを沸騰させると酸味が和らぎ、砂糖が溶けます。 冷蔵庫で1週間ほど保存できるので、前もって準備しておくとよいですね。



  • ☆しょうゆ  15g
  • ☆酒  5g
  • ☆黒酢  25g
  • ☆砂糖  5g
  • ☆鶏がらスープの素  1g
  • ☆ごま油  3g
  • 中華麺(半生) 125g 乾麺の場合は110g程度。
  • 氷 適量
  • 豆苗  10g
  • 鶏ささみ  60g
  • キュウリ  40g
  • 卵 1個
  • 油  2g
  • トマト  40g
  • 麻辣香油  10g


➀ 醤油、酒、黒酢、砂糖、鶏がらスープの素、ごま油を混ぜて電子レンジで30秒加熱します。

②麺を3分茹でたらザルに入れ、流水で粗熱をとります。 その後、氷水につけて洗い、軽く絞って水気を切ります。 この料理は麺が温かいと美味しくありません。


④ 耐熱容器に鶏ささみを入れ、ラップをかけて電子レンジで2分加熱します。 粗熱が取れたらほぐします。


⑥油を熱したフライパンに溶き卵を薄く広げる。 火が通ったら細長く切ります。



