Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe)

side dish
Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe)

Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe) 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

病みつききゅうり(yamitsuki kyuri)

What kind of dish is Yamitsuki kyuri??

Cucumbers marinated in soy sauce that you will want to eat a lot.

It’s a standard snack for evening drinks. Crispy and juicy cucumbers go well with cold beer. A cucumber with a spicy flavor. It has a light taste, but it is addictive. In Japanese, “病みつき yamitsuki” means “addictive”.

No knife or cutting board required. It might be too easy to call it a dish. But I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with the result!

Dark soy sauce alone will turn the color black, so I mix half light soy sauce and half dark soy sauce.

If chili oil is not available, soak a generous amount of chilies in sesame oil for several hours. You can make handmade chili oil.

Yamaimo teppanyaki is also a popular dish at izakayas. Check out the recipe. 👉 A recipe for the popular izakaya dish “Grated yam Teppanyaki”


How do you guys store your cucumbers? Cucumbers are surprisingly easy to damage. I wrap it in damp paper towels and put it in a ziplock bag and store it in the fridge. You can keep it in a very good condition.

NUTRITION FACTS of Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe)

58 kcal Protein 20.6g Fat 4.3g Carb 3.5g Salt Equivalent 1.1g

INGREDIENT for Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe) (2SERVINGS)

  • cucumber 150g
  • chicken broth mix 3g
  • soy sauce 6g
  • chili oil 2g
  • white sesame seeds 10g
  • red pepper 1g

Izakaya standard menu Yamitsuki kyuri (easy cucumber recipe) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

① Wash the cucumbers and fold them by hand. Remove the cucumber head and tail. (The rougher the cross section, the easier it is to absorb the flavor.)

② Mix with the glass soup base, soy sauce, chili oil, white sesame seeds, and red pepper.

③ Leave for several hours.

The menu for the day was meat udon, avocado and natto, shiitake and mekabu pickled in soy sauce, and kiwi.



晩酌の定番おつまみです。 みずみずしいきゅうりにキリリと冷えたビールは相性抜群。 スパイシーな味わいのキュウリです。 軽い味わいですが、やみつきになります。 日本語では「病みつきやみつき」は「中毒性」を意味します。

包丁もまな板も必要ありません。 料理と呼ぶには簡単すぎるかもしれないです。 しかし、出来上がりにはきっとご満足いただけると思います!







  • きゅうり 150g
  • 鶏がらスープの素 3g
  • 醤油 6g
  • ラー油 2g
  • 白ごま 10g
  • 赤唐辛子 1g






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