My Favorite Easy to Make Sour Refrigerator Pickles recipe

side dish
My Favorite Easy to Make Sour Refrigerator Pickles recipe

Refrigerator Pickles recipe 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

Homemade Pickles(自家製ピクルス)

What kind of dish is homemade pickles??

Cucumber and paprika pickled in sugar, garlic and vinegar.

You can change the ingredients if you match the ingredients to about 400g.
Celery, radishes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, and lotus roots are also recommended. Parboil the root vegetables before pickling them.

I love this recipe and have made it many times ♡ This is the tartar sauce using this pickle. I ate chicken nanban with plenty of this tartar sauce. (˘︶˘♡)。.:

What kind of food is pickles??

Pickles are vegetables that have been pickled in a seasoning liquid based on vinegar and spices.
Because it keeps for a certain period of time, it has been made as a preserved food overseas for a long time.
Characterized by its sweet and sour refreshing taste, it can be eaten as it is as a snack, or used as a side dish or as a hamburger ingredient.

“Pickles” are listed in the “sweet pickle“, which is pickled in vinegar with various spices and sweeteners added, and the “sour pickle“, which is pickled in salt and then fermented with lactic acid for a strong sour taste.

The most commonly available type is the non-fermented type. Pickled small cucumbers (gherkins) are often sold in supermarkets.

The fermented type basically does not use vinegar, and is fermented with only salt and water to create a sour taste. Sauerkraut made with cabbage and salt is a fermented pickle.

The difference between marinating and pickling is the length of time the ingredients are soaked in the seasoning liquid. While marinades are soaked for several hours as part of the cooking process, pickles can be stored for a long time, from a week to several months.

Pickles and “Japanese tsukemono” have some differences in seasoning and flavor, but in a broad sense they can be considered the same thing.

NUTRITION FACTS of Refrigerator Pickles recipe

70 kcal Protein 0.3 g Fat 0 g Carb 18.3 g Salt Equivalent 1.1g

※This value refers to the nutrient content per 100g of pickles in the Food Composition Tables.

INGREDIENTS for Refrigerator Pickles recipe

  • cherry tomato 100g
  • cucumber 150g
  • paprika 150g
  • ☆garlic 8g
  • ☆water 250g
  • ☆vinegar 100g
  • ☆bay leaf
  • ☆salt 20g
  • ☆sugar 25g
  • ☆pepper moderate amount
  • ☆red pepper 1g

Refrigerator Pickles recipe COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

☆*:.。.Sterilize the jar with boiling water. Do not touch vegetables with bare hands, use clean chopsticks.

➀ Cut the cucumber and paprika into chunks or strips.

② Cherry tomatoes remove the calyx and wash.

③ Peel the garlic cloves and cut off the tough parts.

④ Put water, vinegar, garlic, bay leaves, salt, sugar, pepper and red pepper in a pot and bring to a boil.

⑤ Turn off the heat and let the seasoning liquid cool down.

⑥ Put cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and paprika in a jar and pour seasoning liquid.

⑦ You can pickle it and eat it from the next day. Eat up within 7days.



具材は400g程度に合わせて頂ければ変更可能です。 セロリ、大根、にんじん、ズッキーニ、カリフラワー、レンコンなどもおすすめです。 根菜類は漬ける前に下茹でします。


こちらはこのピクルスを使ったタルタルソースです。 チキン南蛮にたっぷりかけて食べました(*˘︶˘♡)。.:*☆





発酵させるタイプは基本的に酢を使わず、塩と水だけで発酵させて酸味を出します。 キャベツと塩で作るザワークラウトは発酵ピクルスです。

マリネとピクルスの違いは、食材を調味液に浸す時間の長さです。 マリネは調理プロセスの一環として数時間浸漬されますが、ピクルスは 1 週間から数か月まで長期保存できます。



  • ミニトマト  100g
  • キュウリ  150g
  • パプリカ  150g
  • ☆にんにく  8g
  • ☆水  250g
  • ☆酢  100g
  • ☆ローリエ 1枚
  • ☆塩  20g
  • ☆砂糖  25g
  • ☆胡椒  適量
  • ☆赤唐辛子  1g


☆*:.。.瓶は熱湯消毒してください。 野菜は素手で触らず、清潔な箸を使いましょう。






⑥ 瓶にミニトマト、キュウリ、パプリカを入れ、調味液を注ぎます。

⑦漬けて翌日からお召し上がりいただけます。 7日以内に食べ切ってください。


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