Rare cheesecake(レアチーズケーキ)
A cake made by hardening cream cheese with gelatin.
It’s a recommended dessert to make at home, as it only requires a few ingredients and just needs to be mixed and cooled.
The bottom has a crispy texture and is satisfying to eat. I recommend using Marie Biscuit for the bottom. This has been on sale for many years. It does not contain any extra flavorings or oils, so it does not interfere with the taste of the cake.
Check out Marie Biscuits here. 👇 https://www.morinaga.co.jp/products/detail.php?id=PRD2009-12-0003
You can enjoy arranging it with your favorite toppings. Blueberry sauce and mango sauce also go well together.
It’s also good to use a glass or milk carton instead of using a cake mold.

NUTRITION FACTS of Japanese Rare Cheesecake Recipe with Crispy Biscuit Crust
341 kcal Protein 6.3g Fat 23.3g Carb15.4g Salt Equivalent 0.5g
INGREDIENTS for Japanese Rare Cheesecake Recipe with Crispy Biscuit Crust(6SERVINGS)
I always use this 15 cm diameter mold. It is sold as “size 5”.
- biscuits 70g
- unsalted butter 35g
- ★powdered gelatin 5g
- ★lukewarm water 20g
- ☆cream cheese 180g
- ☆low-fat fresh cream 140g
- ☆sugar 60g
- ☆lemon juice 30g
- ☆sugar-free yogurt 140g
Check out this page for more information on cream cheese. 👉 Classic sweets baked cheesecake
Check out this article for easy-to-understand information on how to choose cream cheese. This site called Cotta sells confectionery ingredients, and you can get any kind of product you want. 👉 https://www.cotta.jp/special/article/?p=63612
Japanese Rare Cheesecake Recipe with Crispy Biscuit Crust COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
If the cream cheese, fresh cream, or yogurt is cold, it will take longer to work on it, so take it out of the refrigerator a few hours before you start working.
➀Cut the butter into dices.
②Break the cookie in half.
③Make the butter and cookies into crumbs in a food processor.
④ Spread the cookies in the mold.
Use a mold with a removable bottom. If you put cooking paper on the bottom, it will be easier to move it to the plate after it is completed.
⑤ Bake for 5 minutes at 180 degrees and cool. The dough will harden as the butter melts and cools. (180 degrees Celsius is 356 degrees Fahrenheit.)

⑥ Add gelatin and hot water of about 60 degrees to a plastic container and mix.
I layer it on a plate with hot water and put it in the oven. This is to prevent it from getting cold while you are doing other tasks.

⑦ Pour hot water into a pot and add cream cheese to a bowl. Place the bowl on top of the pot and wait until the cream cheese melts.
⑧ Add yogurt and sugar to melted cream cheese and mix well.
Change the hot water in the pot to prevent the dough from getting cold.
⑨ Whip fresh cream. Stop when the corner stands.

⑩ Scoop two spoonfuls of cream cheese into the gelatin container and mix well.

⑪ Mix cream cheese and gelatin thoroughly with a hand mixer.
If gelatin clumps form at this point, warm them in the microwave for a few tens of seconds.
⑫ Add the whipped cream to the batter in several batches. Mix well with a spatula each time. Add lemon juice and mix further.

⑬ Gently pour the batter into the mold and chill in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
