- かぼちゃサラダ(kabocha salad)
- NUTRITION FACTS of Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise
- INGREDIENTS for Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise (7servings)
- Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
- かぼちゃサラダってどんな料理??
- かぼちゃサラダの材料(7人分)
- かぼちゃサラダの作り方(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
かぼちゃサラダ(kabocha salad)
kabocha = pumpkin
What kind of dish is Kabocha salad??
A salad made with pumpkin seasoned with mayonnaise. This salad will add color to your dining table.
In Japan, there is something called “depa-chika gourmet”.
Depachika is the basement floor of a department store. The basement of Japanese department stores is usually a food section.
They sell a lot of delicious salads. The salads, made with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, are like works of art. Takeout from Depachika Salad is very popular as an item to elevate home meals.
However, the drawback of depachika gourmet is that it is expensive, so I decided to recreate it myself.
The texture of almonds and the sweetness of raisins are accents. It is also a point to mix a little dressing with mayonnaise. Adding almonds and raisins makes it taste like a department store salad. You will feel a little rich.
A variety of pumpkin called “Kuri Kabocha” has a strong sweetness and a fluffy texture, and is often eaten in Japan.
I also recommend this department store style salad. Check it out. 👉 A healthy shrimp salad recipe that looks gorgeous! 👉 Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad)

NUTRITION FACTS of Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise
103kcal Protein 2.3g Fat 3g Carb17.3g Salt Equivalent 0.4g
INGREDIENTS for Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise (7servings)
- 1/4pumpkin 460g
- water 150g
- carrot 20g
- cucumber 40g
- sausage 40g
- mayonnaise 40g
- pepper moderate amount
- French dressing 15g
- raisins 25g
- sliced almonds moderate amount
Japanese pumpkin salad recipe seasoned with mayonnaise COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
➀Remove pumpkin seeds.
②Put the pumpkin and water into a pressure cooker and pressurize for 7 minutes.
This way make to easy remove pumpkin skin. My pressure cooker have a net for steaming so I use that. If you don’t have pressure cooker, it’s good to heat in the microwave.
③Slice carrots and cucumbers.
Both vegetables are sliced thinly (0.3mm) and used raw. Sometimes I boil carrots for a short time, or use cucumbers that have been rubbed with salt and then squeezed dry.
④Stir fry the sausage.
⑤Mix pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers, sausages, mayonnaise, pepper, French dressing and raisins.
⑥Sprinkle sliced almonds.

I use a T-fal “Clipso Minut Easy” pressure cooker. The content is 4.5L.
かぼちゃをマヨネーズで和えたサラダです。 食卓に彩りを添えてくれるサラダです。
日本には「デパ地下グルメ」というものがあります。 デパ地下はデパートの地下階のことです。日本のデパートの地下は通常、食品売り場になっています。
そこでは美味しいサラダがたくさん売られています。新鮮な野菜やフルーツをたっぷり使ったサラダは芸術作品のようです。 デパ地下サラダのテイクアウトは、おうちごはんをワンランクアップさせるアイテムとして大人気です。
アーモンドの食感とレーズンの甘みがアクセントです。 マヨネーズにドレッシングを少し混ぜるのもポイントです。 アーモンドやレーズンを加えるとデパートのサラダのような味わいになります。 ちょっとリッチな気分になれますよ。
- かぼちゃ 1/4個 460g
- 水 150g
- にんじん 20g
- キュウリ 40g
- ソーセージ 40g
- マヨネーズ 40g
- コショウ 適量
- フレンチドレッシング 15g
- レーズン 25g
- スライスアーモンド 適量