Okra Nikumaki (Okra Wrapped In Thinly Sliced ​​Pork Belly)

main dish
Okra Nikumaki (Okra Wrapped In Thinly Sliced ​​Pork Belly)

okura no buta bara maki(オクラの豚ばら巻き)

What kind of dish is okura no buta bara maki??

Okra wrapped in pork belly and seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. The rich flavor of the pork belly and the texture of the okra make this dish attractive.

It’s a strong seasoning, so it’s also perfect for a side dish of a lunch box.

Okra is a kind of green and yellow vegetable, and when heated, it becomes slightly sticky. It has a nice crunchy texture. This stickiness contains pectin, which is a dietary fiber.

Pectin is said to have the effect of promoting bowel movements and suppressing the rise of blood sugar levels. Sticky ingredients are very popular in Japan. For example, natto, nameko, and mekabu.

buta bara = pork belly

NUTRITION FACTS of Okra Nikumaki (Okra Wrapped In Thinly Sliced ​​Pork Belly)

374 kcal Protein 14g Fat 33.5g Carb 6g Salt Equivalent 1.4g

INGREDIENTS for Okra Nikumaki (Okra Wrapped In Thinly Sliced ​​Pork Belly) (2SERVINGS)

  • 7okra 100g
  • 7thinly sliced pork belly 180g
  • salt 1g
  • pepper moderate amount
  • sesame oil 5g
  • ☆soy sauce 10g
  • ☆mirin 5g
  • ☆sake 15g
asparagus niku maki
asparagus niku maki

I also recommend using asparagus instead of okra! Season with salt, pepper, and lemon. It’s simple but mouthwateringly delicious.

Okra Nikumaki (Okra Wrapped In Thinly Sliced ​​Pork Belly) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

① Wash the okra by rubbing them together.

② Cut off the hard part of the top of the okra.

③ Salt and pepper the thinly sliced pork belly.

④ Put the okra on there.

⑤ Tightly wrap the meat around the okra. It’s good to pull the meat lightly while wrapping it.

⑥ Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and grill the meat. If you put the end of the roll down, it will not lose its shape.

⑦ Wipe off the excess fat when the whole surface is browned.

⑧ Add soy sauce mirin and sake.

⑨ When the seasoning is spread all over, it’s complete.

This in omuraisu bento. Check out this article as well.                    👉 Omelet rice everyone loves


オクラを豚バラ肉で包み、醤油と砂糖で味付けしました。 豚バラ肉の濃厚な旨味とオクラの食感が魅力の一品です。


オクラは緑黄色野菜の一種で、加熱すると少し粘りが出ます。 しゃきしゃきとした良い食感です。この粘りには食物繊維であるペクチンが含まれます。

ペクチンには便通を促進し、血糖値の上昇を抑える効果があるといわれています。 日本ではねばねばした食材がとても人気があります。 例えば、納豆、なめこ、めかぶなどですね。


  • オクラ 7個  100g
  • 豚バラスライス 7枚  180g
  • 塩  1g
  • コショウ  適量
  • ごま油  5g
  • ☆醤油  10g
  • ☆みりん  5g
  • ☆酒  15g






⑤オクラに肉をしっかりと巻きつけます。 お肉を軽く引っ張りながら包むと良いです。

⑥フライパンにごま油を熱し、肉を焼きます。 巻き終わりを下にしておくと型崩れしません。





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