Negiyaki Recipe (Simple Japanese green onions pizza)

ネギ焼き negiyaki green onion( leek) pizza staple food
ネギ焼き negiyaki green onion( leek) pizza
Negiyaki Recipe (Japanese green onions pizza)

Negiyaki (ねぎ焼き)

Negiyaki (Japanese green onion Pizza) is a dish made by mixing water, flour, and a large amount of chopped green onions and frying them in a frying pan.

negi = green onion, leek (white onion)

It is popular in the Kansai region of Japan, but it is also a popular dish in Oita Prefecture in Kyushu.

The “Oita Ajiichi Negi” that I use is a brand vegetable that represents Oita Prefecture.

It is a fragrant green onion that grows in fertile soil full of high-quality organic matter, and it takes 60 days in summer and 120 days in winter to grow, so it is a delicious green onion with a lot of vitamins and minerals.

(The white part of the white onion is eaten with sukiyaki and yakiniku. You can also use the green part of the white onion that is left over.)

I like to eat negiyaki with ponzu (a sauce made by mixing citrus juice and soy sauce), but it also goes well with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes.

Similar dishes include okonomiyaki and chijimi.

Okonomiyaki is a dish that originated in Japan and is sometimes called Japanese pizza or Japanese pancake.

Okonomiyaki’s batter is made with wheat flour, just like negiyaki, but it contains a lot of cabbage instead of green onions.

Chijimi is a dish that originated in Korea, and also uses wheat flour batter and contains ingredients such as chives and seafood.

Okonomiyaki is fluffy and soft, while negiyaki and chijimi are fried thinly in a lot of oil, giving them a crispy texture.

Check out the recipes for okonomiyaki and chijimi too! 👉 Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake) 👉 Korean pancakes with cabbage and kimchi

チヂミKorean pancake

Ingredients and benefits of green onions

The distinctive aroma of chopped green onions comes from allicin.

Allicin prevents blood clotting and smooths blood flow. It also helps absorb vitamin B1 and promotes metabolism.

Vitamin B1 acts as a coenzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism. A deficiency of vitamin B1 makes it difficult for carbohydrates to be converted into energy, leading to fatigue.

Because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it has long been used to prevent food poisoning and summer fatigue in the summer and colds in the winter.

Therefore, there is a legend that if you have a cold, it is good to wrap green onions around your neck when you go to bed.

It is also rich in vitamin C, with 44 mg per 100 g.

NUTRITION FACTS of Negiyaki Recipe (Japanese green onions pizza)

370 kcal Protein 8.2g Fat 17.0g Carb 46.5g Salt Equivalent 1.6g

INGREDIENTS for Negiyaki Recipe (Japanese green onions pizza) (20cm x 2 pieces)

  • Wheat flour (75g)
  • Potato starch (30g)
  • Dashi stock granules (5g)
  • Water (150g)
  • Egg (50g)
  • Green onions (100g)
  • Sesame oil (24g)
  • Chili oil (2g)
  • Ponzu sauce (10g)
  • Ground sesame (3g)

Negiyaki Recipe (Japanese green onions pizza) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

Green onion 👉
  1. Mix the flour, potato starch, dashi stock granules, and water. Add the eggs and mix well. Make sure to mix in the correct order to make a smooth batter.
  2. Add finely chopped green onions.
  3. Add a little more sesame oil halfway through. Put half the sesame oil in a frying pan and heat over medium heat.
  4. Once the oil is hot, pour in the batter.
  5. Once browned, flip it over and press it down with a spatula to make it flat.
  6. Halfway through, add sesame oil to the underside of the negiyaki.
  7. Once both sides are nicely browned, it’s done.
  8. Mix chili oil, ponzu sauce and ground sesame.
  9. Serve with sauce.
How to make negiyaki


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