Uzaku recipe ( Glaze-grilled eel with pickled cucumber)

side dish
Uzaku recipe (Glaze-grilled eel with pickled cucumber)


What kind of dish is Uzaku??

A dish of glaze-grilled eel and cucumbers marinated in vinegar.

The glaze-grilled eel is called “eel kabayaki” in Japan. Kabayaki is a dish that is grilled fragrantly with a rich sauce made by mixing dark soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sake.

The rich eel goes well with the refreshing cucumber.

Eel is a high-class dish, so it’s a little extravagant to eat, but it’s definitely a dish you should try.

NUTRITION FACTS of Uzaku recipe (Glaze-grilled eel with pickled cucumber)

114 kcal Protein 7.5g Fat 6.5g Carb 6.5g Salt Equivalent 1.3g

INGREDIENT for Uzaku recipe (Glaze-grilled eel with pickled cucumber)(2SERVINGS)

  • cucumber 100g
  • salt 2g
  • ☆vinegar 18g
  • ☆sugar 7g
  • ☆light soy sauce 4g
  • glaze-grilled eel  60g
  • ginger 4g

Uzaku recipe (Glaze-grilled eel with pickled cucumber) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀ Slice the cucumber into 2mm slices, rub in the salt and leave for 10 minutes.

② Combine vinegar, sugar, and light soy sauce and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds.

③ Soak cucumber into the seasoning.

④ Cut the eel into 5 mm width.

⑤ Slice the ginger into 0.5 mm and cut it thinly.
⑥ Arrange the cucumber and eel on a plate.

⑦ Put ginger on top.

MEMO:doyo no ushi no hi

In July, when the heat is in full swing, many people get exhausted and get sick in this season.
Each of the 18 days before Ritsuka is called ‘Doyo’.

On the calendar, dates are assigned to the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the ox day comes around in a 12-day cycle.

In other words, during the period of doyo” before the beginning of summer, the day that overlaps withday of the ox” is ”midnight day of the ox”.

In Japan, there is a custom to eat eel on this “Midsummer Day of the Ox”.

Eels are difficult to handle, so most people buy already cooked eel kabayaki.
In the Kansai region, the eel is cut open on the belly side, and in the Kanto region, it is cut on the back. In the Kanto region, the key is to steam the eel once before grilling it.

The reason why people started eating eel on this day is unknown, but it was probably thought that the high calorie and high protein content would help build physical strength. Eel is also very high in retinol, a type of vitamin A. This is also a nutrient that tends to be deficient, so it is a food that you want to ingest from time to time.



glaze-grilled eel は日本では「うなぎの蒲焼き」と呼びます。 蒲焼きは、濃口醤油、みりん、砂糖、酒を混ぜた濃厚なタレを付けて香ばしく焼き上げる料理です。




  • キュウリ  100g
  • 塩  2g
  • ☆酢  18g
  • ☆砂糖  7g
  • ☆薄口醤油  4g
  • うなぎのかば焼き  60g
  • 生姜  4g












暦では十二支に日付が割り当てられており、12日周期で丑の日が巡ってきます。 つまり、初夏前の「土用」の期間中、「土用の丑の日」と重なる日が「土用の丑の日」となります。


鰻は扱いが難しいため、調理済みの鰻の蒲焼を買う人がほとんどです。 うなぎは関西では腹側、関東では背開きとなります。 関東では鰻を焼く前に一度蒸すのがポイントです。

この日に鰻を食べるようになった理由は不明ですが、おそらく高カロリー、高たんぱく質で体力づくりに役立つと考えられたのでしょう。 うなぎにはビタミンAの一種であるレチノールも多く含まれており、こちらも不足しがちな栄養素なので、定期的に摂取したい食材です。


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