This is the best chrysanthemums recipe “Tunamayo Shungiku”

side dish
This is the best chrysanthemums recipe "Tunamayo Shungiku"

春菊のツナマヨ和え(shungiku no tunamayo ae)

What kind of dish is shungiku no tunamayo ae??

tunamayo = tuna flakes mixed mayonnaise

This dish is made by boiling garland chrysanthemums and dressing them with canned tuna and mayonnaise.

Garland chrysanthemum is called “Shungiku” in Japanese.

A green leafy vegetable rich in carotene and calcium. Garland chrysanthemum is in season from winter to spring. It has a unique fragrance. Garland chrysanthemum is an indispensable ingredient for sukiyaki and yosenabe. Soy sauce and ponzu sauce are often used for seasoning. But many people feel the fragrance and bitterness of garland chrysanthemum if they are not accustomed to eating it. Therefore, it will be easier to eat if you mix it with mayonnaise.

To reduce calories, I used half-calorie mayonnaise and boiled canned tuna in water (oil-free). By adding tuna, the umami and eating response will increase. It requires few ingredients and is easy to make. Please try it when you think that there is not enough green on the dining table.

NUTRITION FACTS of This is the best chrysanthemums recipe “Tunamayo Shungiku”

60kcal Protein 6.3g Fat 2.9g Carb 4g Salt Equivalent 0.86g

INGREDIENT for This is the best chrysanthemums recipe “Tunamayo Shungiku” (3servings)

  • garland chrysanthemum 180g
  • carrot 40g
  • half-calorie mayonnaise 30g
  • soy sauce 3g
  • canned tuna in water (oil-free) 70g

This is the best chrysanthemums recipe “Tunamayo Shungiku” COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀ Wash the garland chrysanthemum and cut off the roots. If the stem is tough, cut off the bottom part of the stem as well.

② Cut the carrot into strips.

③ Boil the carrots for 3 minutes, scoop them with a ladle with holes, remove them in a colander, and cool them down.

④ Boil the garland chrysanthemum in the same pot that the carrot was boiled. Boil for 2 minutes and place in cold water.

⑤ Squeeze the garland chrysanthemum well and toss with the carrot, canned tuna, and mayonnaise.
⋈*Drain the canned tuna before using.


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