Elegant Sumashi Jiru (Clear Soup) Made With Homemade Dashi

side dish
Elegant sumashi jiru made with homemade dashi

Tofu to hanafu no sumashi jiru(豆腐と花麩のすまし汁)

What kind of dish is Tofu to hanafu no sumashi jiru??

花麩(hanafu) = flower shaped wheat gluten clear soup = sumashi jiru

Clear soup is a dish that allows you to enjoy dashi, which is the basis of Japanese cuisine.

Fu(wheat glute) is made by extracting gluten from wheat flour and baking it.

It was an ingredient introduced from China in the early Muromachi period, and was a valuable protein source in shojin ryori(=vegetarian cuisine) that did not include meat or fish.

Flower-shaped wheat gluten looks cute and is my favorite ingredient.

About dashi and umami


In the past, there were four types of doctors in China: 「疾医」,who treated people with medicine, 「瘍医」 who treated people with scalpels,「獣医」 who examined animals, and 「食医」 who dealt with food.

In Oriental medicine, there is a saying, 『三分治七分養(sanbuchi shichibuyou)』.This is based on the idea that treatment consists of 30% medication and 70% daily life.

Japanese dashi and fermented foods have been cultivated based on this philosophy.

Overseas, soup stock uses meat and is high in fat, which was not suitable for the constitution of the Japanese people in the past.

Many Japanese dashi soups are made from food sources such as kelp and shiitake mushrooms. Katsuobushi(bonito flakes) is made from animal ingredients, but during fermentation the fat is broken down by lipase secreted by the koji mold, making it easier for Japanese people to digest.

Miso, soy sauce, and natto are also considered by Oriental medicine to be useful for meals that do not put a burden on the digestion of Japanese people, who are considered to have ”weak stomachs.”


Until the discovery of umami, it was thought that taste consisted of four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Umami is a flavor that does not fit into any of these four categories. Umami was discovered by the Japanese about 100 years ago.

The ingredients of umami are guanylic acid, inosinic acid, and glutamic acid, which are types of amino acids. These ingredients give people the feeling of ”delicious”.

In Japan, dashi soups from kelp, bonito flakes, and shiitake mushrooms have been used since ancient times.

Kelp contains glutamic acid, bonito flakes contain inosinic acid, and shiitake mushrooms contain guanylic acid.

Inosinic acid and glutamic acid are said to have a synergistic effect that doubles the flavor by 7 to 8 times. An ideal ratio of glutamic acid to inosinic acid content is 1:1.

To get the ideal ratio, use 20 grams of kelp and 40 grams of bonito flakes to make dashi.

About sumashi jiru

Clear soup is called sumashi jiru or osuimono. Sumashi jiru enjoys the soup, and osuimono enjoys the ingredients. Both consist of the following three parts.

  • {:tane}…Foods containing protein such as tofu, seafood, and meat
  • {つま:tsuma}…Vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, seaweed, etc.
  • {吸い口:suikuchi}…Things that you can enjoy scents such as mitsuba, yuzu, kinome, myoga, etc.

Combining animal and plant ingredients, such as tofu and katsuobushi, also has the effect of bringing out the flavor.

NUTRITION FACTS of Sumashi Jiru (Clear Soup) Made With Homemade Dashi

23kcal Protein 1.9g Fat 0.7g Carb 2.5g Salt Equivalent 1.2g

INGREDIENTS for Sumashi Jiru (Clear Soup) Made With Homemade Dashi(4SERVINGS)

  • kombu 10g
    • water 300g
  • katsuobushi (bonito flakes) 20g
    • water 300g
  • flower shaped wheat gluten(hanafu) 6 pieces
  • kinugosho tofu 70g
  • green onion 10g
  • shiitake mushrooms 15g
  • salt 2g
  • light soy sauce 18g
  • mirin 6g
Dashi granules contain salt.
If you use this, use the same amounts of water, salt, and light soy sauce as above because it has less salt.

I want the salt concentration of Sumashi jiru to be 0.9%, so I use 0.3% salt and 3% light soy sauce based on the amount of dashi soup. When using dashi granules, use 600g of water, 6g of mirin, 5g of dashi granules and 18g of light soy sauce. No salt needed.

Sumashi Jiru (Clear Soup) Made With Homemade Dashi COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀Soak kombu in water for about 3 hours.

Kombu tends to become sticky when heated, so it may take some time, but this method is reliable. If you don’t have time, heat over low heat and remove the kombu before it boils.

② Bring the water to a boil, then add the katsuobushi(bonito flakes) and immediately turn off the heat. Strain through a colander.

③ Mix konbu dashi and katsuo dashi.

④ Soak the Hanafu(flower shaped wheat gluten) in water for a few minutes until it becomes soft, then squeeze out the water.

⑤ Cut the tofu into dice.

⑥ Chop the green onions.

⑦ Slice the shiitake mushrooms.

⑧ Put all the ingredients in a pot, bring to a boil, and immediately turn off the heat.


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