Gyuniku to moyashi no mustard itame(牛肉ともやしのマスタード炒め)
Stir-fried beef and bean sprouts and seasoned with mustard for a Western-style dish. It’s an unexpected combination, but it’s delicious, so I make it many times ♡
gyuniku=beef, moyashi=bean sprouts
What kind of food is moyashi??
Bean sprouts are a type of sprout vegetable. Sprout vegetables are grains of mung beans, soybeans, barley, etc. soaked in water and sprouted in a dark place. Famous types include Daikon radish, bean sprouts, broccoli sprouts, and alfalfa, but in a broader sense, sprout vegetables include asparagus, udo, mitsuba, ginger, and Japanese ginger.
The raw materials for Bean sprout include mung beans, peas, and soybeans.In Japan, it is called “moyashi” or “toumyo,” and both are popular because they are very cheap. Although pea sprouts are made from beans, their taste and appearance are similar to Daikon radish.

Moyashi was eaten in some areas during the Heian period, but it became widely used after the Meiji period.
The main ingredients for moyashi produced in Japan are mung beans, black mappe beans, and soybeans imported from China, Thailand, Myanmar, and other countries. Moyashi that uses domestically produced ingredients is rare.
Generally, “bean sprouts” refers to soybean sprouts. Because soybean sprouts are made from soybeans, they have high nutritional value such as potassium, protein, and dietary fiber. However, mung bean sprouts have the highest distribution volume. Black mappe bean sprouts have a unique texture and taste, and have a loyal following.
I also recommend the recipe for Nirabuta using moyashi. Check it out. 👉 Nirabuta (Pork Stir Fry Recipe With Chinese Chive)

NUTRITION FACTS of Beef and bean sprouts stir-fried with mustard and soy sauce
75 kcal Protein 5.3 g Fat 4.6 g Carb 3.0 g Salt Equivalent 1.0 g
INGREDIENTS for Beef and bean sprouts stir-fried with mustard and soy sauce (3SERVINGS)
- beef shoulder loin 60g
- paprika 25g
- bean sprouts 150g
- butter 3g
- salt 1g
- pepper moderate amount
- soy sauce 10g
- grain mustard 8g
Beef and bean sprouts stir-fried with mustard and soy sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
① Cut the beef into bite-sized pieces.
② Cut the paprika into strips.
③ Stir-fry the beef and bean sprouts in butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
④ Stir in soy sauce and mustard.
⑤ Turn off the heat and add paprika.
Paprika can be eaten raw and is easily discolored, so add it at the end.