とろろそば(tororo soba)
A cold noodle dish with tororo (grated yam) on soba. It goes down well, and the egg is mixed in to give it a moderately rich flavor.
Buckwheat is called “soba” in Japanese. It is made by kneading buckwheat flour, spreading it thinly, and then cutting it into thin strips. Since it is low in gluten, it is sometimes kneaded with wheat flour, yams, and eggs. Soba made without mixing any of these ingredients is called “tokachi soba = 10割そば.”
One serving is 100g of dried soba noodles, 140g of raw soba noodles, and 170g of boiled soba noodles.
In Japan, potato is called jyagaimo, sweetpotato is satsumaimo, and taro is called satoimo. One of the vegetables classified into the imo group is nagaimo(Chinese yam). Nagaimo is further classified into four varieties. There are four types of yamaimo: nagaimo, yamato imo, ichou imo, and jinenjo.
Unlike other types of imo, nagaimo is a rare variety that can be eaten raw.This is because it contains a powerful amylase. Eating it on a grater maximizes the effectiveness of nagaimo amylase. This enzyme has the effect of aiding digestion, so it is recommended when you have a loss of appetite.
696 kcal Protein 26.7g Fat 14g Carb 119.7g Salt Equivalent 2.1g
⋈*The water after boiling raw soba is called “sobayu”. Sobayu contains a nutrient called rutin, which is contained in buckwheat flour. Rutin is a flavonoid component, which is a type of polyphenol. It is said to help prevent high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Therefore, at soba restaurants, it is customary to mix leftover mentsuyu with sobayu.
(The amount of mentsuyu is for 7 people.)
- ☆sugar 25g
- ☆mirin 40g
- ☆sake 40g
- ☆soy sauce 85g
- ☆dashi stock granules 5g
- Nagaimo (Chinese yam) 80g
- green onion 10g
- raw soba noodles 100g
- ice 30g
- egg yolk
- chopped seaweed 3g
⋈*The dashi granules that I usually use are “Hondashi bonito flavor”. Although it is a little expensive, “Kayanoya Dashi” is also delicious.
Check out this article about soy sauce and mirin. 👉 Simmered righteye flounder in soy sauce
➀ Combine sugar, mirin, sake, soy sauce, and dashi stock granules, bring to a boil, and cool.
(It will be diluted later, so the taste is strong.)
⋈*This soup is called mensuyu. Mentsuyu is a versatile seasoning for simmered dishes, udon noodles, and rice bowls. You can buy it at supermarkets and convenience stores. This time I’m mixing it myself, but it’s very convenient to have it.
② Peel the nagaimo with a peeler and grate it.
③ Cut the green onion.
④ Boil the soba noodles for 7 minutes
(The boiling time for soba noodles varies depending on the product, but as a rough guide, it takes 5 minutes for dried soba noodles, 2 minutes for raw soba noodles, and 1 minute for boiled soba noodles.
(Keep the water boiling while you are boiling the soba noodles. )
⑤ Rinse the soba noodles under cold running water. Washing it with cold running water will give it a firmness. Drain the water and put it on a plate.
(The soba noodles are easy to cut, so handle them gently.)
⑥ Add ice to the mentsuyu. Adjust to your liking.(It is just right if you feel that the taste is strong.)
⑦ Put the soba noodles on a plate and add grated yam, egg yolk, green onion and chopped seaweed.
⑧ Complete with mentsuyu.
Buckwheatは日本語で「そば」と呼ばれます。 そば粉をこねて薄くのばし、細切りにしたものです。 グルテンが少ないので、小麦粉や山芋、卵などを練り込むこともあります。 このつなぎを使わないそばを「十割そば」と呼びます。
日本ではpotatoをじゃが芋、sweet potatoをさつま芋、taroを里芋といいます。 芋類に分類される野菜の一つに長芋があります。 長芋はさらに4種類に分類されます。 山芋には「長芋」「大和芋」「いちょう芋」「じねんじょ」の4種類があります。
長芋はいも類の中でも珍しく生で食べられます。 これは、強力なアミラーゼが含まれているためです。 すりおろして食べることで長芋のアミラーゼの効果が最大限に発揮されます。この酵素は消化を助ける作用があるので食欲不振の時にはおすすめのメニューですよ。
生そばを茹でた後の水を「そば湯」といいます。 そば湯には、そば粉に含まれるルチンという栄養素が溶け出ています。 ルチンはポリフェノールの一種であるフラボノイド成分です。 高血圧や動脈硬化の予防に効果があると言われています。 そのため、そば屋では残っためんつゆにそば湯を混ぜて食べるのが風習です。
- ☆砂糖 25g
- ☆みりん 40g
- ☆日本酒 40g
- ☆しょうゆ 85g
- ☆だしの素 5g
- 長芋 80g
- 青ねぎ 10g
- 生そば 100g
- 氷 30g
- 卵黄
- 刻み海苔 3g
⋈このスープのことをめんつゆといいます。 スーパーやコンビニで購入できます。めんつゆは煮物やうどん、丼ものなど万能調味料です。 今回は自分で混ぜていますが、あるととても便利です。
② 長芋はピーラーで皮をむき、すりおろす。
⑤冷たい流水でそばをすすぐ。 冷たい流水で洗うとコシが出ます。 水気を切って皿に盛る。(そばは切れやすいので優しく扱ってください。)
⑥めんつゆに氷を入れる。 お好みで濃さを調整してください。 (味が濃いと感じる位で丁度いいです。)