Boiled yellowtail and Japanese radish



Buri daikon(鰤大根)

What kind of dish is Buri daikon??

Yellowtail(=buri) and Japanese radish(=daikon) are boiled in a pressure cooker until soft and they seasoned strongly.

A classic home-cooked dish made with plenty of winter seasonal ingredients. This recipe is the reason why I wanted to buy a pressure cooker. Yellow tail has a lot of fat and a rich taste. Flavored Japanese radish and yellowtail are the perfect combination.

If you use a pressure cooker, the daikon radish will cook quickly, so it will save time. Also, because the heating time is short, you can prevent the yellowtail from becoming dry.

I use a T-fal “Clipso Minut Easy” pressure cooker. The content is 4.5L. Check out this article about pressure cookers. 👉 Beef stew with melty meat

It is called “success fish” and is considered to be auspicious food. Since there is a custom of eating yellowtail sashimi on New Year’s Day, we use the leftover parts.

After eating yellowtail or sea bream as sashimi, the remaining parts around the bones and head are called “ara”. The cooking method of boiling “ara” in soy sauce is called “aradaki.”

What kind of fish is yellowtail??

Yellowtail is a large migratory fish that is over 80 cm long, and has a rich flavor with a lot of fat on it. It migrates around Japan and around the Korean Peninsula, and is landed in various parts of Japan.

The best season for natural yellowtail is winter. Fatty yellowtails are available from November to February.

Yellowtail at this time is called kanburi (cold yellowtail) and fetches a high price. However, the quality of yellowtail caught in summer is not so good. Therefore, yellowtail is actively farmed. Farmed yellowtails are attractive for their stable taste throughout the year. The market price is said to be higher than natural. The development of technology is accepted as a new value, not as a substitute for nature.

Hamachi, hiramasa, and kanpachi are commonly confused fishes. Previously, hamachi and yellowtail were distinguished by size. A fish whose name changes as it grows is called a “success fish” and is considered a lucky charm. Recently, hamachi often refers to farming.

Hiramasa and kanpachi are similar in taste to yellowtail, but are a different kind of fish. In foreign countries, buri and hamachi are often written as yellowtail, and hiramasa and kanpachi are often written as amberjack.


  • Japanese radish 270g
  • yellowtail (ara) 620g
  • soy sauce 60g
  • sugar 18g
  • sake 30g
  • mirin 30g
  • water 100g
  • sliced ginger 10g

Check out this article about seasoning.  👉 About Soy sauce & mirin & sake


①Cut the Japanese radish into large pieces.

②Soak the yellowtail in hot water. Take it out when it becomes a little white.

This process is called “shimofuri”. This will remove any stains or odors from the yellowtail.

③ Put all the ingredients in the pressure cooker and pressurize for 13 minutes.

④Wait for the pressure to release, open the lid and let it cook for a few minutes.

⑤At this point, the daikon radish on top looks a little whitish, but if you shake the pot and soak it in the broth, the flavor will soak in in no time.

⑥It’s soft, so it’s better not to use chopsticks when putting it on a plate. Turn over with spatula and move it gently.



冬の旬の食材をふんだんに使った家庭料理の定番。 圧力鍋を買おうと思ったきっかけのレシピです。 ブリは脂が多く、味が濃い。 風味豊かな大根とぶりの相性は抜群です。


⋈T-falの圧力鍋「クリプソ ミニッツ イージー」を使っています。 内容量は4.5L。圧力鍋についてはこちらの記事をチェックしてね。 👉 Beef stew with melty meat

ぶりは「出世魚」と呼ばれ、縁起の良い食材とされています。 元旦にぶりの刺身を食べる風習があるため、余った部分を利用しています。



ブリは体長80cmを超える大型回遊魚で、脂がのって濃厚な味わいです。 日本付近から朝鮮半島周辺を回遊し、日本各地に水揚げされます。

天然ブリの旬は冬です。 脂の乗ったブリは11月から2月にかけて獲れます。 この時期のブリは寒ぶりと呼ばれ、高値で取引されます。

しかし、夏に獲れるブリの品質はあまり良くありません。 そのためブリの養殖が盛んに行われています。 養殖ブリは一年を通して安定した味わいが魅力です。 市場価格は天然のものよりも高いと言われています。 科学技術は天然のかわりとしてではなく、新たな価値として認められているんですね。

ハマチ、ヒラマサ、カンパチは混同されやすい魚です。 以前はハマチとブリは大きさで区別されていました。 成長するにつれて名前が変わる魚は「出世魚」と呼ばれ、縁起物とされています。 最近ではハマチというと養殖を指すことが多くなりました。

ヒラマサとカンパチはブリと味は似ていますが、別の種類の魚です。 海外ではブリやハマチはブリ、ヒラマサやカンパチはカンパチと表記されることが多いです。


  • 大根  270g
  • ぶり(あら)  620g
  • しょうゆ  60g
  • 砂糖  18g
  • 酒  30g
  • みりん  30g
  • 水  100g
  • 生姜のみじん切り  10g



②ブリを熱湯に浸す。 少し白くなったら取り出す。

この工程を「霜降り」といいます。 これにより、ブリの汚れや臭いが取り除かれます。




⑥柔らかいのでお皿に盛る時は箸は使わないほうが良い。 フライ返しでひっくり返し、そっと動かす

