Yuzu flavor grilled Spanish mackerel



サワラの幽庵焼き(sawara no yuan yaki)

What kind of dish is sawara no yuan yaki??

Yuan-yaki is a dish in which ingredients are marinated in a sauce made of sake, soy sauce, mirin, and citrus(yuzu) juice.

This dish is said to have been invented by Yuan(祐庵 )during the Edo period. In kanji, yuan is written as 柚庵、幽庵、祐庵、etc.
Teriyaki is a similar dish, but the difference is that citrus juice is used.

As it is often served at restaurants, it has a slightly high-class image. But it’s easy to make at home, so it’s a perfect side dish for dinner.

The delicate and elegant taste goes well with the refreshing scent of yuzu.The fluffy texture of the grilled Spanish mackerel is exquisite.

It’s delicious even when it’s cold, so it’s recommended as a side dish for bento.

Yuzu is a type of citrus fruit that is resistant to the cold and comes into season in winter.
Both the skin and the fruit are used in a wide range of dishes due to their pleasant aroma and strong acidity.

The ginger garnish is also called “gari” and is often served with fish dishes such as sashimi.

In Japan, there is a culture of using yuzu on the winter solstice. Check out this recipe for more information about the winter solstice. 👉 Grilled chicken with yuzu flavor

About Sawara

Spanish mackerel is a white fish, but it is fatty and has a rich flavor. Spanish mackerel is called “Sawara“. Although it is easy to confuse it, mackerel is called “saba“.

Spanish mackerel is written in kanji as “鰆”. 魚 refers to fish, and 春 refers to spring, expressing that spring is in season.

It is a delicious fish with just the right amount of fat and no odor. Spring is in season, but the quality of the fat is said to be better in winter, and it goes well with yuzu, which is in season in winter, making it a suitable fish for use in Yuan-yaki.

The amount of catch decreases year by year, and the prices are high even when in season, but it’s still worth eating!!

If Spanish mackerel is not available, you can also use salmon, Sablefish, or yellowtail.


221kcal Protein 22.6g Fat 10.5g Carb 10.6g Salt Equivalent 3g

※Gari Nutrients Excluded


⋈*Spanish Mackerel (yuan yaki)

  • Spanish Mackerel 220g
  • soy sauce 30g
  • mirin 30g
  • sake 30g
  • 1/4yuzu

⋈*ginger soaked in vinegar (gari)

→→→ It’s best to make this a few days in advance so the flavors will blend‼ 

  • ginger 100g
  • sugar 25g
  • vineger 50g

⋈*Check out this article about soy sauce and mirin.                  👉About Soy sauce & mirin & sake


⋈*Spanish Mackerel

➀Marinate the Spanish mackerel in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and yuzu juice for over 30 minutes. 

②Place on the top shelf of the oven and bake for 10 minutes using the grill function.

③Brush with the sauce and bake for another 5 minutes on the middle rack. Applying the sauce creates a beautiful shine on the surface.

The process photo shows chicken and Spanish mackerel being cooked at the same time.

⋈*The oven I use is Toshiba’s “Ishigama Dome”. I like that it won’t break even after 10 years of use and is easy to clean.


➀Slice the ginger very thinly. (about 0.5mm thick)

②Mix sugar and vinegar and heat in the microwave for 40 seconds.

③Soak ginger in sugar and vinegar.

