waka = wakame take = bamboo shoots ni = simmer
Wakame seaweed and bamboo shoots are boiled and seasoned with soy sauce. This is a classic recipe for early spring.
Freshly harvested bamboo shoots have a particularly good aroma and flavor. It takes a lot of time to prepare, but please give it a try.
If you want to shorten the cooking time or can’t get fresh bamboo shoots, use processed bamboo shoots that are sold in stores.
Processed bamboo shoots are packed in water. They contain a white substance called tyrosine, so wash them gently to remove it before using.
Use wakame that is labeled “nama wakame” and not “dried wakame.”
Nama wakame is sold in the fresh fish section of supermarkets. It has a thicker flesh and better flavor than the dried wakame sold.
What kind of food is wakame seaweed??
Fresh wakame does not keep well, so dried or salted products are sold on the market. The ones sold as nama wakame are parboiled and salted.
Fresh wakame is a deep green color, but in the sea it is brown.
In addition to chlorophyll, wakame contains red pigments such as fucoxanthin. Chlorophyll is stable in alkaline conditions, and fucoxanthin turns green at temperatures above 75 degrees.
Wakame can be dried in ash (which makes it alkaline) or parboiled (above 75 degrees) to turn it a vibrant green color.
Bamboo shoot rice made with fresh bamboo shoots is also delicious. Check out our recipe for bamboo shoot rice. 👉 Bamboo shoot rice (takenoko gohan)

NUTRITION FACTS of Wakatakeni : Simmered wakame seaweed and fresh bamboo shoots
60 kcal Protein 3.6g Fat 0.3g Carbs 13.3g Salt Equivalents 2.4g
INGREDIENTS for Wakatakeni : Simmered wakame seaweed and fresh bamboo shoots (5SERVINGS)
- bamboo shoots 700g
- rice bran 80g
- Red chili pepper 1.5g
- Boiled bamboo shoots (400g)
- nama wakame seaweed (200g)
- Light soy sauce (30g)
- Dark soy sauce (20g)
- Sugar (20g)
- Mirin (20g)
- Sake (20g)
- Dashi stock granules (4g)
- Water (400g)
Wakatakeni : Simmered wakame seaweed and fresh bamboo shoots COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
Preparing bamboo shoots
Step 1: Cut off the hard bottom part and about 6cm of the tip, and make a 2-3cm deep cut vertically from the tip.
Step 2: Put the bamboo shoots, rice bran, and red chili pepper in a pot, and add enough water to cover the bamboo shoots.

Step 3: Heat over high heat.
Step 4: Once boiling, boil on low heat for 40 minutes to 1 hour. It is a good idea to place a weight on the bamboo shoots to prevent them from floating.
Step 5: Try inserting a skewer into the base of the bamboo shoots, and when it passes through easily, turn off the heat.
Step 6: Leave it in the hot water and wait until it cools down. By doing this, you can drain all the lye from the bamboo shoots.
Step 7: Wash with water to remove the bran and peel.
Step 8: Cut the middle part from the tip vertically, and cut the bottom part horizontally. Use a knife to cut off the part circled in blue.

Cooking instructions for wakame and bamboo shoots
Step 1: Wash the wakame and drain.
Step 2: Cut the wakame to a suitable length of about 5cm.
Step 3: Cut the prepared bamboo shoots to the desired size.
Step 4: Put the bamboo shoots, wakame, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sake, mirin, sugar, dashi stock granules, and water in a pot and heat.
Step 5: Turn off the heat when the broth has reduced by about half.
Step 6: Leave it for a while to let the bamboo shoots soak up the flavors.