Refreshing Tofu Salad Recipe with Shirasu (white bite) つぎのページで日本語で解説しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
Tofu to shirasu no salad(豆腐としらすの具沢山サラダ)
What kind of dish is Tofu to shirasu no salad?
This salad contains various ingredients, mainly tofu and whitebite. A nutritious salad with a refreshing scent of green shiso leaves and Japanese ginger.
In Japan, green shiso leaves are called ooba, and Japanese ginger is called myouga. These are also called “yakumi” and are eaten with tofu, sashimi, somen noodles, or made into tempura.
These are collectively called “Yakumi”. Yakumi refers to aromatic vegetables and spices that are added to dishes in small amounts. Even a small amount can add a unique aroma, sourness, and spiciness to the entire dish, giving it a deeper flavor. Wasabi and chili pepper are also types of yakumi. It is eaten with tofu, sashimi, and somen noodles, or cooked into tempura.
Ponzu is a sour sauce made by mixing soy sauce, vinegar, and citrus juice. This dressing recipe made with sesame seeds, ponzu sauce, and sesame oil is my favorite.
This article explains about tofu. 👉 Tofu topped with meat miso (niku miso)
NUTRITION FACTS of Refreshing Tofu Salad Recipe with Shirasu (white bite)
79.5kcal Protein 6.3g Fat 4.5g Carb3.6g Salt Equivalent 0.9g
INGREDIENTS for Refreshing Tofu Salad Recipe with Shirasu (white bite) (2SERVINGS)
- soft tofu 160g
- green shiso leaves 6g
- Japanese ginger 10g
- tomato 25g
- whitebait 10g
- ground sesame 2g
- sesame oil 2g
- ponzu 15g
➀Cut the tofu into appropriate sizes.
②Shred the green shiso leaves and Japanese ginger.
③Dice the tomatoes.
④Place green shiso leaves, Japanese ginger, tomato and whitebait on the tofu.
⑤Sprinkle ground sesame seeds.
⑥Mix sesame oil and ponzu sauce, pour over there.

豆腐としらすを中心に、いろいろな具材が入ったサラダです。大葉とミョウガの爽やかな香りが広がる栄養満点サラダです。 具沢山とは”plenty of ingredients”という意味です。
日本ではgreenshiso leavesを大葉、japanese gingerをみょうがと呼びます。 これらを総称して「薬味」と呼びます。 薬味とは、料理に少量加えられる香味野菜や香辛料のことです。
少量でも独特の香りや酸味、辛味が料理全体に加わり、味わいに深みが出ます。 わさびや唐辛子も薬味の一種です。 豆腐、刺身、そうめんなどと一緒に食べたり、天ぷらにして食べます。
豆腐はあっさりとした味わいなので、和・洋・中どんな料理にも使いやすい食材です。 豆腐の種類は「もめん」「ソフト」「きぬごし」に分けられます。 木綿豆腐は歯ごたえがあり、調味料の味がなじみやすいです。 なめらかな食感とあっさりした味わいの絹ごし豆腐。 ソフト豆腐はその中間。 好きなものを使用してください。
- ソフト豆腐 160g
- 大葉 6g
- みょうが 10g
- トマト 25g
- しらす 10g
- すりごま 2g
- ごま油 2g
- ポン酢 15g