- Jagaimo no mentaiko ae(じゃが芋の明太子和え)
- NUTRITION FACTS Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce
- INGREDIENTS for Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce (5SERVINGS)
- Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
- じゃが芋のたらこ和えってどんな料理??
- 材料(5人分)
- じゃが芋の明太子和えの作り方(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
Jagaimo no mentaiko ae(じゃが芋の明太子和え)
A Japanese-style salad made with boiled potatoes, mentaiko and mayonnaise.
Very easy to make.The saltiness of the mentaiko(tarako), the richness of the mayonnaise, and the sweetness of the mentsuyu all combine to create a delicious salad.
⋈*Mentsuyu is a versatile seasoning for simmered dishes, udon noodles, and rice bowls. It’s very convenient to have it. If you don’t have mentsuyu, use a mixture of 3g of soy sauce, 3g of mirin, and 1g of dashi stock granules.

Potatoes use a variety called “Danshaku potato”. Not watery and fluffy, Danshaku potatoes are suitable for potato salads and croquettes. Check out this article for more information on the types of potatoes. 👉 High-quality butter-roasted potatoes
⋈*Mentaiko( pollock roe)is the ovaries of walleye pickled in salt. It is also called “Tarako”. It is salty. You can use as an ingredient in rice balls and put it in a salad.I have written more about mentaiko in this article, so please check it out. 👉 French bread with mentaiko sauce

NUTRITION FACTS Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce
100kcal Protein 4.5g Fat 4.4g Carb 15.0g Salt Equivalent 0.7g
INGREDIENTS for Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce (5SERVINGS)
- potatoes 400g
- spinach 100g
- pollock roe(明太子mentaiko) 50g
- mayonnaise 25g
- mentsuyu 7g
- pepper moderate amount
Japanese-style potato salad with mentaiko mayonnaise sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
➀Cut potatoes into bite size pieces. Soak in water for a few minutes after cutting.
②Boil potatoes. When potatoes are boiled in hot water, the surface tends to fall apart, so let’s boil them in water.
③When the toothpick can easily go through it, scoop it up with a ladle and put it in a bowl.

④Boil the spinach for 2 minutes in the same pot that the potatoes were removed from.
⑤Soak spinach in cold water and squeeze well.

⑥Cut the spinach into 4cm lengths.
⑦Toss the loosened pollock roe with mayonnaise, mentsuyu, pepper, potatoes, and spinach.
⋈*I served this salad with my meatloaf. Check out the meatloaf recipe here. 👉 Meatloaf perfect for entertaining

⋈*めんつゆは煮物やうどん、丼ものなど万能調味料です。 あるととても便利です。めんつゆがない場合は、しょうゆ3g、みりん3g、だしの素1gを混ぜたものを使います。
⋈*明太子はスケトウダラの卵巣を塩漬けしたものです。 「たらこ」とも呼ばれています。 塩辛いです。 おにぎりの具にしたり、サラダに入れたりもできます。
- じゃがいも 400g
- ほうれん草 100g
- 明太子 50g
- マヨネーズ 25g
- めんつゆ 7g
- こしょう 適量
➀ジャガイモは一口大に切ります。 切った後は数分間水に浸してください。
②ジャガイモを茹でます。 じゃが芋は熱湯で茹でると表面が崩れやすいので、水から茹でましょう。