The plate with pizza toast was purchased at Yoshizawa Kiln. This tableware is my favorite. 👉 https://www.yoshizawa-gama.com
Pizza toast and mash potato (ピザトーストとマッシュポテト)
What kind of dish is Pizza toast and mash potato?
“Pizza toast” is a tomato sauce and ingredients baked on bread.
I ate it for breakfast on my day off. Weekday mornings are busy, so breakfast is one of the pleasures of my vacation (*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
Creamy mashed potatoes are another favorite recipe. This mashed potato and roast beef sandwich is excellent.

NUTRITION FACTS of Simple Pizza Toast and Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe
⋈*pizza toast
317kcal Protein 13.5g Fat 12.6g Carb 34.1g Salt Equivalent 1.7g
⋈*mashed potato
57kcal Protein 2.1g Fat 0.9g Carb 14.1g Salt Equivalent 1.0g
INGREDIENTS for Simple Pizza Toast and Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe (3SERVINGs)
⋈*pizza toast
- 3 slices of bread (20mm thick)
- HEINZ tomato ketchup 60g
- onions 90g
- green peppers 30g
- sausages 60g
- cheese for pizza 75g
⋈*”HEINZ” tomato ketchup contains garlic, so it can be used instead of pizza sauce. In the case of Kagome ketchup, it is good to add a little garlic. Of course you can use pizza sauce (´³`)♡
⋈*mashed potato
- potatoes 230g
- milk 60g
- salt 3g
- pepper moderate amount
Simple Pizza Toast and Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
⋈*pizza toast :Have the oven preheated. 220 degrees Celsius is 428 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes a little longer than a toaster oven, but you can bake crispy to the back side.
- Spread ketchup on the bread.
- Slice the onion into 1.3mm thickness, wash with water and squeeze.
- Cut the green pepper into 5mm. (It will shrink, so cut it thicker.)
- Cut the sausage into 5mm pieces.
- Put onions, green peppers, and sausage on bread and put cheese on it.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes in the lower stage of the oven preheated to 220 degrees.
⋈*It is better to use a wire mesh placed on the top plate. 10 minutes at 200 degrees is not enough. 10 minutes at 250 degrees is overcooked.
⋈*mashed potato
- Cut the potatoes into chunks and boil.
- Mash the potatoes and mix with milk, salt and pepper.

This is the tandoori chicken served with mashed potatoes made using this recipe. Check out the recipe for the tandoori chicken here. 👉 Easy Japanese Tandoori Chicken Recipe Made in a Frying Pan
「ピザトースト」はトマトソースと具材をパンに乗せて焼き上げたものです。 休みの日の朝食に食べました。 平日の朝は忙しいので、休日の朝食は休日の楽しみの一つです(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
クリーミーなマッシュポテトも人気のレシピです。 このマッシュポテトとローストビーフのサンドイッチは絶品です。
⋈*pizza toast
- 食パン 3枚(厚さ20mm)
- HEINZ トマトケチャップ 60g
- 玉ねぎ 90g
- ピーマン 30g
- ソーセージ 60g
- ピザ用チーズ 75g
「HEINZ」のトマトケチャップはニンニクが入っているのでピザソースの代わりにも使えます。 カゴメケチャップの場合はニンニクを少し加えると良いです。 もちろんピザソースでも大丈夫ですよ(´³`)♡
⋈*mashed potato
- ジャガイモ 230g
- 牛乳 60g
- 塩 3g
- コショウ 適量
- 食パンにケチャップを塗る
- たまねぎを1.3mmの厚さにスライスし、水で洗って絞る
- ピーマンを5mmに切る。(縮むので厚めに切る)
- ソーセージも5mmに切る
- 玉ねぎ、ピーマン、ウインナーをパンに乗せてチーズを乗せる
- 220度に予熱したオーブンの下の段で10~12分焼く
⋈ 天板の上に金網などを敷いて使用すると良いでしょう。200度で10分では不十分です。 250度で10分は焼きすぎです。
- ジャガイモを乱切りにして茹でる。
- ジャガイモをマッシュし、牛乳、塩、こしょうを加えて混ぜる。