Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad)

side dish
Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad)

Nama ham Salad (生ハムサラダ)

dry-cured ham = nama ham

A salad made with plenty of dry-cured ham and baby leaves.

The aroma and salty taste of dry-cured ham is very appealing. I don’t use dry-cured ham very often because it’s expensive, but it’s one of my favorite ingredients. I was able to buy it cheaply that day, so I used it lavishly (*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊  

Since it was a rare opportunity to use dry-cured ham, I also used vegetables that I don’t usually use, such as baby leaves and purple cabbage, to make a slightly gorgeous salad.

Difference between dry-cured ham and ham

Ham was originally a European word for pork thighs. However, in Japan, pork that have been pickled in salt and boiled or smoked are now called ham. For this reason, there are also hams that use loin or shoulder meat.

Generally, ham is made from pork that has been salted, smoked, and then steamed or boiled. Dry-cured ham is not heated by steaming or boiling.

However, it is not raw meat. After the pork has been salted, it is dried. This is a very similar method to making bacon.

There is something called “the world’s three major dry-cured ham“. Prosciutto Di Parma from Italy, Jamon Serrano from Spain, and 金華火腿 from China. In Italy, dry-cured ham is generally called prosciutto.

Difference between dry-cured ham in Japan and dry-cured ham overseas

The history of dry-cured ham is said to date back to ancient Rome. In Europe, where the humidity is low and the climate is cool, long-term aging was possible without damaging the raw meat. Therefore, dry-cured ham made in Europe takes one to two years to make.

In Japan, on the other hand, dry-cured ham is produced within a few weeks after being smoked. Short-term dry-cured ham is called Lachs Ham to distinguish it from long-term dry-cured ham.

Dry-cured ham has a strong umami flavor in addition to a strong salty taste. It is a popular ingredient for sandwiches, alcohol snacks, and pasta ingredients.

This umami flavor comes from glutamic acid. Raw pork is rich in inosinic acid, but most of the inosinic acid disappears during the long-term aging process.

However, the tradeoff is increased glutamic acid, which is further concentrated by drying. It compensates for the loss of inosinic acid and becomes a food with a strong umami taste.

For this reason, the number of producers in Japan who use overseas methods for long-term aging is increasing. Currently, the import of dry-cured ham from Italy has been suspended, making it difficult to obtain. I feel that it would be good if production in Japan increased☆*:.。.

Among the recipes that use ham, one of my favorites is ham cutlet. Also check out the ham cutlet recipe. 👉 Ham cutlet using thinly sliced ham

NUTRITION FACTS of Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad)

111kcal Protein 9.3g Fat 5.6g Carb 7.1g Salt Equivalent 1.7g

INGREDIENTS for Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad)

  • baby leaf 40g
  • purple cabbage 20g
  • carrot 20g
  • paprika 20g
  • cucumber 20g
  • tomato 20g
  • prosciutto 30g

Use your favorite dressing(*˘︶˘♡)。.:*☆

Gorgeous Nama Ham Salad Recipe (Japanese Prosciutto Salad) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

① Wash the baby leaves and drain the water.

② Shred the purple cabbage, carrots and paprika.

③ Scrape the cucumbers with a peeler to form ribbons.

④ Cut the tomato into bite size pieces.

⑤ Toss all ingredients quickly.



生ハムの香りと塩味が魅力です。 生ハムは高価なのであまり使いませんが、大好きな食材の一つです。 この日は安く買えたので贅沢に使いました(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊



ハムはもともとヨーロッパで豚のもも肉を意味する言葉でした。 しかし、日本では豚肉を塩漬けにして煮たり燻したりしたものをハムと呼ぶようになりました。 そのため、ロース肉や肩肉を使用したハムもあります。


生ハムは蒸したり煮たりして加熱しません。 ただし、生肉ではありません。 豚肉は塩漬けした後、乾燥させます。 これはベーコンを作るのとよく似た方法です。

世界三大生ハム」と呼ばれるものがあります。 それはイタリア産プロシュート・ディ・パルマスペイン産ハモン・セラーノ中国産の金華火腿です。 イタリアでは生ハムのことを総じてプロシュートと呼ぶようです。


生ハムの歴史は古代ローマにまで遡ると言われています。 湿度が低く涼しいヨーロッパでは、生肉を傷めることなく長期熟成が可能でした。 そのため、ヨーロッパで作られる生ハムは作るのに1~2年かけます。


生ハムは強い塩味に加えて旨味も強いです。 サンドイッチやお酒のおつまみ、パスタの具材としても人気です。

このうま味はグルタミン酸によるものです。 生の豚肉にはイノシン酸が豊富に含まれていますが、長期熟成の過程でほとんどのイノシン酸が消失してしまいます。 ただし、それに代わってグルタミン酸が増加し、乾燥させることでグルタミン酸がさらに濃縮されます。

イノシン酸の損失を補い、うま味の強い食品となります。 そのため、日本でも海外の手法を使って長期熟成させる生産者が増えています。 現在、イタリア産生ハムの輸入が停止されており、入手困難となっています。 日本での生産が増えれば良いですね☆*:.。.


  • ベビーリーフ 40g
  • 紫キャベツ 20g
  • 人参 20g
  • パプリカ 20g
  • きゅうり 20g
  • トマト 20g
  • プロシュート 30g









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