Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables

side dish
Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables

Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡

夏野菜チョップドサラダ(natsu yasai chopped salad)

What kind of food is chopped salad ?

A salad with plenty of summer vegetables.

The vegetables are chopped into small pieces, so you can eat a lot. The star-shaped okra is very cute (˘︶˘♡)。.:☆The trick to making it look stylish is to use purple vegetables.

Okura is a green and yellow vegetable that is eaten boiled or grilled. It gets a little sticky when heated. It has a good texture.

Tableware is from Marmitspoteri. I really like the colors and shapes.

Click here for the store website. ⇒

NUTRITION FACTS of Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables

54kcal Protein 2.2g Fat 3.2g Carb 4.2g Salt Equivalent 0.6g

INGREDIENTS for Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables (3SERVINGS)

  • lettuce 50g
  • purple cabbage 20g
  • cucumber 20g
  • ham 30g
  • cherry tomatoes 50g
  • okra 30g
  • canned corn 20g
  • olive oil 6g
  • vinegar 10g
  • salt 1g
  • pepper moderate amount
  • lemon juice 5g

Colorful Chopped Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetables COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀Dice the lettuce, purple cabbage, cucumber, and ham.

②Cut mini tomatoes in half.

③Wash the okra and put it in a plate and cover it loosely with plastic wrap.

④Microwave the okra for 2 minutes, let it cool, then cut into round slices.

⑤Drain the corn.

⑥Mix olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and lemon juice

⑦Toss the vegetables and dressing


A relaxing morning on a holiday. It would be nice if you could eat a brunch menu with more volume than usual!

The menu for the day was Hattendo’s Danish bread, beef stew, chopped salad, steamed chicken, prunes, pineapples, kiwi, and vegetable juice.

Beef stew cooked the day before, rich bread, lots of vegetables and fruits. It feels like a good day just by eating this.

Look at the recipes on the other menus. 👉 Easy beef stew recipe made in pressure cooker



野菜は小さめにカットされているので、たくさん食べられます。 星型のオクラがとっても可愛い(˘︶˘♡)。.:☆紫色の野菜を使うのがおしゃれに見せるコツです。


食器はマルミツポテリのもの。 色も形もとても気に入っています。


  • レタス  50g
  • 紫キャベツ  20g
  • キュウリ  20g
  • ハム  30g
  • ミニトマト  50g
  • オクラ  30g
  • コーン缶詰  20g
  • オリーブオイル  6g
  • 酢  10g
  • 塩  1g
  • コショウ  適量
  • レモン汁  5g









ゆったりとした休日の朝。 いつもよりボリュームのあるブランチメニューが食べられると嬉しいですね!この日のメニューは、八天堂のデニッシュパン、ビーフシチュー、チョップドサラダ、蒸し鶏、プルーン、パイナップル、キウイ、野菜ジュースでした。


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