Colorful Chocolate bark recipe using granolaつぎのページで日本語で解説しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊
Chocolate block(チョコブロック)
I added granola to the chocolate and hardened it. This chocolate is easy to make but looks stylish(˘︶˘♡)。.:☆ Recommended for when you want to make a lot or when you make it with your kids. If you wrap it, it’s also good for a little gift.
The commonly used names for it are “chocolate bark” in English and “mendiants” in French.
Granola is a type of cereal. It is made by mixing processed grains such as wheat, rice, and corn with coconut, nuts, syrup such as honey, and vegetable oil and then baking it in the oven. The origin of the name Granola is Granul and Grain.
About Valentine’s Day
The origins of Valentine’s Day date back to the days of the Roman Empire.
The Roman Emperor Claudius II at the time forbade marriage so that young people would not hesitate to go to war.
Valentinus, a Christian priest, felt sorry for the situation and performed the young soldier’s wedding in secret. When the emperor found out about this, he was punished as a traitor on February 14th.
Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to Valentinus, who preached the importance of love.
Since then, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated in various ways around the world as a day to pledge love.
Valentine’s Day became popular in Japan in the late 1950s. In Japan, women give chocolates to men on Valentine’s Day.
This is a custom unique to Japan that spread through advertisements by chocolate companies. It is said that about 20% of the chocolate consumed annually in Japan is purchased on Valentine’s Day.
”Giri choco”, which is given to male friends or male co-workers, and ”tomo choco”, where chocolates are exchanged between friends, have also become popular.
By the way, March 14th is called White Day, and it is customary to give gifts in return for Valentine’s Day.
However, Valentine’s Day has been gradually declining in recent years due to problems such as harassment.
As a result, the sales market for “gohoubi chocolate” is expanding. This means buying high-quality chocolate for yourself.
I buy chocolate from Takashimaya’s website every year. It is easy to search by ranking and price, and there are many types.
Please take a look at the site. 👉 https://www.takashimaya.co.jp/shopping/
NUTRITION FACTS of Colorful Chocolate bark recipe using granola
1566 kcal Protein 22.2g Fat 84g Carb182.2g Salt Equivalent 0.4g
INGREDIENTS for Colorful Chocolate bark recipe using granola
- chocolate 200g
- fruit granola 100g
Colorful Chocolate bark recipe using granola COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
➀Separate the granola for mixing and for sprinkling. Brightly colored strawberries and pumpkin seeds are used for sprinkles.
②Place the chocolate in a stainless steel bowl. Pour hot water into the other bowl and place the bowl with the chocolate on top. This will melt the chocolate. Be careful not to let hot water get into the bowl.
③Lay out a cooking sheet on the tray.
④The appropriate size for the mold is about 17 x 17 x 2 cm.The mold used in the photo was too large. If the thickness is too thick, it will be difficult to cut.

⑤Put the chocolate and granola together and put them in the mold.
⑥Chill well in the refrigerator and cut into appropriate sizes with a knife.
⑦I used Calbee’s Furugura. Fragrant roasted brown rice and oats mixed with fruits. It also contains dietary fiber and iron.

チョコレートにグラノーラを加えて固めました。 簡単なのに見た目もおしゃれなチョコレートです(˘︶˘♡)。.:☆ たくさん作りたいときや、お子さんと一緒に作るときにおすすめです。ラッピングすればちょっとしたギフトにも良いです。
グラノーラはシリアルの一種です。 小麦、米、トウモロコシなどの穀物を加工したものに、ココナッツ、ナッツ、ハチミツなどのシロップ、植物油などを混ぜてオーブンで焼いたものです。 グラノーラの名前の由来は、Granul(つぶつぶ)とGrain(穀物)です。
キリスト教の司祭であるヴァレンティヌスはこの状況を残念に思い、若い兵士の結婚式を秘密裏に執り行った。 これを知った天皇は2月14日に反逆者として処罰された。
バレンタインデーが日本で普及したのは1950年代後半。 日本ではバレンタインデーに女性が男性にチョコレートを贈ります。
チョコレート会社の広告などから広まった日本独特の習慣です。 日本で年間消費されるチョコレートの約2割がバレンタインデーに購入されると言われています。
これにより「ごほうびチョコレート」の販売市場が拡大しています。 つまり、自分用に高級チョコレートを買うということです。
毎年高島屋のウェブサイトでチョコレートを買っています。 ランキングや価格から探しやすく、種類も豊富です。
- チョコレート 200g
- フルーツグラノーラ 100g
➀グラノーラを混ぜる用とふりかける用に分ける。 ふりかける用にはあざやかな色のいちごとかぼちゃの種を使用します
②ステンレスのボウルにチョコレートを入れる。 もう一方のボウルに熱湯を注ぎ、チョコレートを入れたボウルをのせる。こうやってチョコを溶かす。ボウルに熱湯が入らないように注意してください。
④型の適正サイズは約17×17×2cm。写真の型は大きすぎました。 厚すぎると切りにくくなります