Beef stroganoff(ビーフストロガノフ)
What kind of dish is Beef stroganoff(бефстроганов)⁇
This is a dish I’ve always wanted to make ♡ It’s so easy to make! Once in a while, it’s nice to have a slightly unusual dish because it’s fresh ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Beef stroganoff is a stew dish that is one of Russia’s national dishes. It is made by sautéing beef, onions, and mushrooms and adding smetana (sour cream).
Since its creation in Russia in the mid-19th century, it has become popular all over the world, with numerous variations on the original recipe.
Beef stroganoff made in Russia has a whitish appearance because it uses a lot of sour cream, but beef stroganoff in Japan is brown in color. This is because demi-glace sauce is added to make it more suitable for Japanese tastes.
Unfamiliar sour cream is only used in small amounts as a garnish. Therefore, Japanese beef stroganoff is very similar to hashed beef, hayashi rice, and beef stew.
Check out the recipe for Japanese Beef Stroganoff (Hayashi Rice) here. 👉 Excellent Hayashi rice recipe (Japanese Beef Stew Rice) (By the way, hayashi rice is a dish of hashed beef served with rice.)

What kind of food is sour cream⁇
Sour cream is a dairy product made by fermenting fresh cream with lactic acid bacteria.
It looks white, has a soft texture similar to yogurt or cream cheese, and has a sour taste.
In Japan, it is only known for its use in borscht and beef stroganoff.
Cream cheese and sour cream are both made by adding lactic acid bacteria to milk and fermenting it, but sour cream is a paste with a strong sour taste, and cream cheese is rich and firm, almost solid.
Also, sour cream is made only from fresh cream, while cream cheese is made from milk and cream.
NUTRITION FACTS of Japanese Beef Stroganoff using Sour Cream
372 kcal Protein 15.3g Fat 18.4g Carb 8.8g Salt Equivalent 2.0g
INGREDIENTS for Japanese Beef Stroganoff using Sour Cream (3SERVINGS)
- beef shoulder loin 200g
- butter 20g
- onion 200g
- mushroom 140g
- salt 4g
- pepper appropriate amount
- milk 100g
- sour cream 90g
Japanese Beef Stroganoff using Sour Cream COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
➀ Fry the beef in butter.
② Slice onions and mushrooms.
**Before cutting the mushrooms, wipe them clean with a paper towel.

③ Remove the beef to a plate and fry the onions and mushrooms.
④ When the onions become soft, add the beef and season with salt and pepper.
⑤ Add sour cream and milk and bring to a boil.
