Deep-fried dumplings with crab ankake

side dish

揚げ餃子のカニあんかけ(age gyoza no kani ankake)

What kind of dish is age gyoza no kani ankake ??

age = deep-fry gyoza = dumpling kani = crab ankake = viscous sauce

It is a dish in which ready-made dumplings are fried in oil and eaten with a thickened sauce sauce.

The flavorful broth of shiitake mushrooms is very delicious. This is a simple dish that you should definitely try.

Dumpling is written as gyoza、餃子、ギョーザ、ぎょうざ, etc. in Japan. Minced meat and finely chopped vegetables are wrapped in a thin dough made from kneaded flour.

Cooking methods such as baking, boiling, and steaming are common.

Handmade dumplings are delicious, but there are many ready-made dumplings on the market, so this time I used the plainest commercially available dumplings.

Dishes similar to gyoza include shumai. I also recommend this shumai recipe. Check it out if you’d like. 👉  Shumai that looks like a flower

What is kani kama ?? 

The English name seems to be “crab stick”. Crab is written as “かに” or “カニ” in Japanese.

Kamaboko(fish cake) made to resemble crab meat in terms of flavor, texture, shape, and color. In fact, crab is not used, and the main raw material is walleye pollock.

Kamaboko is made by mincing fish, adding salt, placing it in a mold, and steaming it. There are many other types besides crab sticks.

Most of them are stick-shaped products wrapped in a thin sheet, but there are also products that are more like real crabs. It is a standard ingredient in dishes such as salads, vinegared dishes, and sushi. It’s cheap and keep for a long time, so it’s suitable for a regular ingredient.

Crab sticks, instant noodles, and retort pouch curry are said to be the three major food inventions of post-war Japan.

It is a surprising fact that crab sticks were such a great invention. In fact, I feel that the deliciousness of crab sticks surpasses that of real crabs.

It is also popular overseas, and consumption in Europe is very high. But most of them seem to be Korean products. I would also like to try crab sticks made in other countries.


155kcal Protein 4.8g Fat 7.1g Carb18.4g Salt Equivalent 1.6g


  • 15dumplings 250g
  • oil 25g (Oil absorption rate is 8%)
  • dried shiitake mushrooms 8g
  • Japanese mustard spinach (=komatsuna) 50g
  • crab stick  40g
  • dried shiitake mushroom reconstituted juice and water 300g
  • dashi stock granules 2g
  • sugar 5g
  • mirin 5g
  • light soy sauce 15g
  • potato starch 4g
  • water 50g


Preparation: Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water the day before.

⋈*Dried shiitake mushrooms are a special product of Oita Prefecture. There are also thinly sliced ones, but this recipe uses the one called “Donko”. The flavor is completely different when you use this because you can get a strong and thick soup stock. About 100g of water is enough to soak the dried shiitake mushrooms.

➀ Cut the Japanese mustard spinach(komatsuna) into 3cm pieces.
Japanese mustard spinach (Komatsuna) can be replaced with spinach or bok choy.

② Loosen the crab stick.

③ Cut the dried shiitake into strips.

④ Combine dried shiitake mushroom reconstituted juice and water to make 300g.

⑤ Put Japanese mustard spinach, crab stick, dried shiitake mushrooms, mixture of dried shiitake mushroom reconstituted juice and water, dashi stock granules, sugar, mirin, and light soy sauce in a small pot and bring to a boil.

⑥ Turn off the heat and add potato starch dissolved in water.

⑦ Turn off the heat when you get a little viscosity. Be careful not to make the viscosity too strong. This sauce is called “an=あん”.

⑧ Fry gyoza in oil.

⑨ Place the gyoza on a plate and pour “an” over the top.



椎茸の香り豊かな出汁がとても美味しいです。 ぜひ試していただきたい簡単料理です。

Chinese dumplingは日本ではgyoza、餃子、ギョーザ、ぎょうざなどと書きます。 ひき肉と細かく刻んだ野菜を小麦粉を練った薄い生地で包んだものです。




英語名は「クラブスティック」だそうです。 crabは日本語で「かに」または「カニ」と書きます。

風味、食感、形、色などをカニに似せたかまぼこ(fish cake)のことです。 実際はカニは使われておらず、スケトウダラが主原料となっています。

かまぼこは魚をすり身にし、塩を加えて型に入れて蒸して作ります。 カニカマ以外にもたくさんの種類があります。

薄いシートに包まれたスティック状の商品として販売されることが多いですが、より本物のカニに近い形で製品化されることもあります。 サラダ、酢の物、寿司などには欠かせない食材です。安くて日持ちするので常備食材に最適です。



海外でも人気があり、ヨーロッパでの消費量が非常に多いです。 しかし、ほとんどが韓国製品のようです。他国で製造したカニカマもぜひ試してみたいです。


  • 餃子 15個  250g
  • 油  25g(吸油率8%)
  • 干し椎茸  8g
  • 小松菜  50g
  • カニカマ  40g
  • 干ししいたけの戻し汁と水  300g
  • 顆粒だし  2g
  • 砂糖  5g
  • みりん  5g
  • 薄口醤油  15g
  • 片栗粉  4g
  • 水  50g



⋈干ししいたけは大分県の特産品です。 薄切りのものもありますが、このレシピでは「どんこ」と呼ばれるものを使用します。 これを使うと濃いめのだしがとれるので味が全然違います。 干し椎茸を浸す水は100g程度で十分です。

➀小松菜は3cm幅に切ります。  小松菜はほうれん草やチンゲンサイでも代用可能です。




⑤ 小鍋に小松菜、カニカマ、干ししいたけ、干ししいたけの戻し汁と水の混合物、顆粒だしの素、砂糖、みりん、薄口醤油を入れて煮る。


⑦少しとろみが出てきたら火を止めます。 粘度が強くなりすぎないように注意してください。このソースを”あん”と呼びます。



