Unohana (soy pulp salad recipe) is a great healthy dish

side dish
Unohana (soy pulp salad recipe) is a great healthy dish

Unohana( 卯の花 )

What kind of dish is Unohana??

Unohana is a dish made by stir-frying okara and seasoning it with soy sauce and suger.

Unohana is a word that refers to okara. Okara is a by-product generated when tofu or soy milk is made from soybeans. Low in fat and high in fiber, perfect for dieting. Therefore, this ingredient is popular as a healthy food. (healthy food=健康食品,kenko shokuhin)

Okara itself doesn’t have much flavor. So even if you mix it with meat such as hamburgers and croquettes, you can eat it without much discomfort. In recent years, powdered okara has also been sold, and it is sometimes used in cakes and cookies for health reasons.

Okara is available at any supermarket in Japan. And it’s a very cheap ingredient, about 50 yen per bag. Okara powder can be purchased at online supermarkets such as Amazon.

In Japan, April is called “卯月=Uzuki”. There is a flower called Unohana that blooms in April. Unohana is written as “卯の花” in Japanese. Okara came to be called Unohana because its white fluffy appearance resembled this flower.

Use light soy sauce when you want to finish the dish white. Mixing a little dark soy sauce will improve the flavor.

There are many ingredients with different textures, such as fluffy okara, crunchy burdock, and springy konnyaku, and it’s delicious. Please try Japanese traditional dishes.

Check out this hamburger recipe using okara. 👉 Healthy Okara Hamburger Steak

NUTRITION FACTS of Unohana (soy pulp salad recipe) is a great healthy dish

104 kcal Protein 4.9g Fat 1.1g Carb 18.2g Salt Equivalent 2.3g

INGREDIENTS for Unohana (soy pulp salad recipe) is a great healthy dish(5SERVINGS)

⋈*Dried shiitake mushrooms are a special product of Oita Prefecture. There are also thinly sliced ones, but this recipe uses the one called “Donko”. The flavor is completely different when you use this because you can get a strong and thick soup stock.

  • goboten(fish cake stuffed burdock root) 50g
  • konnyaku 50g
  • carrot 50g
  • kamaboko (boiled fish paste) 50g
  • dried shiitake mushroom 6g
  • oil 7g
  • okara (soy pulp) 200g
  • ☆dashi stock granules 5g
  • ☆water 700g
  • ☆light soy sauce 40g
  • ☆dark soy sauce 10g
  • ☆sugar 30g
  • ☆mirin 20g
  • green peas 30g
  • chopped almonds 10g
dried shiitake mushroom

Unohana (soy pulp salad recipe) is a great healthy dish COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

Rehydrate the dried shiitake mushrooms with water. I use dried shiitake mushrooms often, so I always keep a small amount of them soaked in water in my refrigerator.


Konnyaku contains lye, so it is soaked in hot water before cooking. If you are using konnyaku that has been processed so that this step is not necessary, you can skip this step. Since it is a hassle, I always use konnyaku that is labeled “no need to remove the lye.”

➀Dice the goboten, konnyaku, carrot, kamaboko, and shiitake mushrooms.

②Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the goboten, konnyaku, carrots and shiitake mushrooms.

③ When the oil goes around the whole thing, add okara and fry it.

④ Add dashi stock granules and water and simmer until the vegetables are soft.

⑤ Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, and mirin and simmer.

⑥ When the water is gone, add kamaboko, chopped almonds and green peas. The kamaboko and green peas are added last to prevent discoloration.

※Okara absorbs water and swells. Use a large deep frying pan.



卯の花はおからを指す言葉です。 おからは大豆から豆腐や豆乳を作る際にできる副産物です。 低脂肪で食物繊維が豊富なのでダイエットにも最適です。そのため、健康食品として人気の食材です。

おから自体にはあまり風味がありません。 そのため、ハンバーグやコロッケなどのお肉と混ぜても、あまり違和感なく食べることができます。 最近では粉末状のおからも販売されており、健康上の理由からケーキやクッキーに使われることもあります。


日本では4月を「卯月=うづき」といいます。 4月に咲く「卯の花」という花があります。 卯の花は日本語で「卯の花」と書きます。 おからは白くふわふわした姿がこの花に似ていることから「卯の花」と呼ばれるようになりました。



おからを使ったハンバーグのレシピはこちらです。 👉 Healthy Okara Hamburger Steak


⋈干ししいたけは大分県の特産品です。 薄切りのものもありますが、このレシピでは「どんこ」と呼ばれるものを使用します。 これを使うと濃いめの出汁が取れるので味が全然違います。

  • ごぼう天  50g
  • こんにゃく  50g
  • にんじん  50g
  • かまぼこ  50g
  • 干し椎茸  50g
  • 油  7g
  • おから  200g
  • ☆顆粒だし  5g
  • ☆水  700g
  • ☆薄口醤油  40g
  • ☆濃口醤油  10g
  • ☆砂糖  30g
  • ☆みりん  20g
  • グリーンピース  30g
  • ダイスアーモンド 10g











⑥水分がなくなったら、かまぼこ、アーモンドダイス、グリーンピースを加えます。 かまぼことグリーンピースは変色を防ぐために最後に加えます。

※おからは水を吸って膨らみます。 大きめの深めのフライパンを使いましょう。

