Miso soup with lots of ingredients

side dish

具だくさんみそ汁(gu dakusan miso shiru)

What kind of dish is misoshiru??

Miso soup is a staple of Japanese breakfast. You can use any kind of ingredients such as tofu, seaweed, vegetables, and eggs.
Rice and miso soup, salt-grilled salmon, tamagoyaki, and sausage are what we call the “ideal breakfast.”

In the past, households used to make dashi stock from bonito flakes, dried sardines, and kombu seaweed, but nowadays, dashi stock granules is often used.

I often use dried shiitake mushrooms, so I use dried shiitake reconstituted broth for the dashi.
The guanylic acid contained in dried shiitake mushrooms enhances the flavor. The fragrance is also very good.

Dried shiitake mushrooms are a special product of Oita Prefecture. There are also thinly sliced ones, but this recipe uses the one called “Donko”. The flavor is completely different when you use this because you can get a strong and thick soup stock.

For more information on miso, check out this article.                     👉 Stir-fried Pork and Eggplant with Miso

About soy beans

Although Japanese cuisine is mainly grain-based and has little animal protein, soybeans have been called “meat of the field” because of their high content of both protein and fat.

Proteins, which are important constituents of the body, are made up of 20 types of amino acids linked together. Of the 20 types of amino acids, 9 types of essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food.

It is well known that amino acids play an important role in muscle strengthening and growth.

Additionally, in Japan, kelp, shiitake mushrooms, and bonito flakes have been used to make dashi for a long time. This is because these foods contain large amounts of umami ingredients such as guanylic acid, inosinic acid, and glutamic acid. Umami is one of the senses of taste and is what makes people feel that food is delicious. Glutamic acid is a type of amino acid that is the source of the umami flavor in kelp, tomatoes, cheese, fish, and meat.

Rice, the staple food of the Japanese people, is low in an essential amino acid called lysine, while soybeans contain a lot of lysine. However, soybeans are low in the amino acid methionine, while rice is high in methionine.

Therefore, if you eat a combination of rice and soybeans in your meal plan, they will compensate for each other’s deficiencies in terms of amino acid balance. Combinations such as rice and natto, or rice and miso soup are nutritionally compatible.


78 kcal Protein 4.5g Fat 2.3g Carb 12.3g Salt Equivalent 2.6g


  • green onions 20g
  • eggplants 230g
  • carrots 70g
  • water 500g
  • dried shiitake mushrooms 3g
  • deep-fried tofu 15g
  • dashi stock granules 8g
  • rehydrated dried shiitake mushrooms juice 300g
  • miso 70g

⋈*My favorite “Fundokin mixed miso”. I like that it is sweet and not salty.      ⋈*The dashi granules that I usually use are “Hondashi bonito flavor”. Although it is a little expensive, “Kayanoya Dashi” is also delicious.


Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water the day before to rehydrate.

➀Cut the green onion into small pieces.

②Peel the eggplant and cut into pieces.

③Cut the carrot into half-moon slices.

④Put eggplant, carrot and water in a pot and heat until soft.

⑤Cut the dried shiitake mushrooms into appropriate sizes.

⑥Cut the fried tofu into thick strips.

⑦Add dried shiitake mushrooms and fried tofu to the pan.

⑧Mix dashi stock granules, the shiitake mushroom reconstituted juice, and miso. Thoroughly dissolve the miso.

⑨Add the miso and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat immediately.

⑩Add green onions.


味噌汁は日本の朝食の定番です。 豆腐やわかめ、野菜、卵など具材はなんでもOK。



私は干し椎茸をよく使うので、出汁には干し椎茸の戻し汁を使います。 干し椎茸に含まれるグアニル酸が旨味を引き立てます。 香りもとても良いです。

薄切りのものもありますが、このレシピでは「どんこ」と呼ばれるものを使用します。 これを使うと濃いめの出汁が取れるので味が全然違います。



体の重要な構成成分であるタンパク質は、20種類のアミノ酸が結合してできています。 20種類のアミノ酸のうち、9種類の必須アミノ酸は体内で合成できず、食事から摂取する必要があります。


また、日本では古くから昆布、椎茸、鰹節などの出汁が使われてきました。 これらの食品には、グアニル酸、イノシン酸、グルタミン酸などのうま味成分が多く含まれているためです。 うま味とは味覚の一つで、食べ物をおいしいと感じるものです。 グルタミン酸はアミノ酸の一種で、昆布、トマト、チーズ、魚、肉などのうま味のもとになります。

日本人の主食である米には必須アミノ酸のリジンが少なく、大豆にはリジンが多く含まれています。 しかし、大豆にはアミノ酸メチオニンが少なく、米にはメチオニンが多く含まれています。

そのため、米と大豆を組み合わせて食べると、アミノ酸バランスの点でお互いの不足を補うことができます。 ご飯と納豆、ご飯と味噌汁などの組み合わせは栄養的にも相性が良いです。


  • ねぎ  20g
  • ナス  230g
  • にんじん  70g
  • 水  500g
  • 干し椎茸  3g
  • 油揚げ  15g
  • 顆粒だし  8g
  • 干し椎茸戻し汁  300g
  • 味噌  70g

⋈*私の大好きな「フンドーキン合わせ味噌」 甘くて塩辛すぎないところが気に入っています。 ⋈*私が普段使っている顆粒だしは「ほんだしかつお味」です。 少々お高いですが、「茅乃舎だし」も美味しいです。










⑧顆粒だし、しいたけの戻し汁、味噌を混ぜ合わせる。 みそをよく溶かす



