Unique Sunomono (Eggplant and Japanese ginger in vinegar)

side dish
Unique Sunomono (Eggplant and Japanese ginger in vinegar)

ナスと大葉とミョウガの酢の物(nasu to ooba to myoga no sunomono)

What kind of dish is nasu to ooba to myoga no sunomono??

nasu = eggplants whitebite = shirasu vinegared dish = sunomono

A dish of boiled eggplant and condiments marinated in vinegar.

In Japan, green shiso leaves are called ooba, and Japanese ginger is called myouga. These are also called “薬味(yakumi)” and are eaten with tofu, sashimi, somen noodles, or made into tempura.

The soft eggplant absorbs seasonings well. The saltiness of the whitebait and the refreshing taste of the Japanese ginger and green shiso leaves are a perfect match.

It’s a menu that uses a lot of summer vegetables. Serve cold and eat. It is also recommended to eat it on top of somen noodles.

I wrote about whitebait in this article. 👉 Salad with mainly tofu and shirasu

NUTRITION FACTS of Unique Sunomono (Eggplant and Japanese ginger in vinegar)

35 kcal Protein 2.4g Fat 0.18g Carb 6.3g Salt Equivalent 0.86g

INGREDIENTS for Unique Sunomono (Eggplant and Japanese ginger in vinegar) (5SERVINGS)

  • eggplant 320g
  • ☆vinegar 40g
  • ☆sugar 12g
  • ☆light soy sauce 6g
  • ☆salt 2g
  • 10green shiso leaves
  • Japanese ginger 45g
  • white bait 30g

Unique Sunomono (Eggplant and Japanese ginger in vinegar) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

①Peel the eggplant, cut into large chunks.Because it shrinks after heating, it can be made larger.

②Soak into the water for 5 minutes.

③After discarding the water, wrap it loosely and heat it in the microwave for 3 minutes.

④ Mix once and heat in the microwave for 3 minutes.

⑤Let it cool in the refrigerator.

The eggplant will be very hot after heating, so be careful not to get burned.

⑥ Combine the vinegar, sugar, light soy sauce, and salt and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds.

⑦Cut green shiso leaves and Japanese ginger into strips.

⑧Squeeze the water out of the eggplant and mix it with green shiso leaves, Japanese ginger, whitebait and seasoning.



日本では green shiso leaves を大葉Japanese ginger をミョウガと呼びます。 これらは「薬味」とも呼ばれ、豆腐や刺身、そうめん、天ぷらなどと一緒に食べられます。

柔らかいナスは調味料をよく吸い込みます。 しらすの塩気と、ミョウガや大葉の爽やかな味わいが相性抜群です。



  • ナス  320g
  • ☆酢  40g
  • ☆砂糖  12g
  • ☆薄口醤油  6g
  • ☆塩  2g
  • 大葉  10枚
  • ミョウガ  45g
  • しらす  30g












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