Snap endo no umashio itame(スナップエンドウの旨塩炒め)
Snap peas = Snap endo=Snack endo umashio = good saltiness stir fry = itame
Stir-fried snap peas and seasoned with Somi shantan. It’s a very simple dish, but it’s so delicious that you won’t be able to stop using your chopsticks.
As spring approaches, bright green beans begin to appear on supermarket shelves.Snap peas are delicious whether boiled, stir-fried, or fried.Enjoy the seasonal flavors perfect for spring.
Snap peas are an improved variety of green peas, and their pods are soft and do not harden even when the beans ripen, so they can be eaten whole.
It has a lot of charm, such as the fresh taste, satisfying texture, and the sweetness of the beans.
Peas were already cultivated in ancient Egypt, but their widespread use in Japan began in the Meiji period.
It is a green and yellow vegetable rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B1, dietary fiber, and minerals.
The key to ingesting nutrients without losing them is to shorten the heating time.
Peas are classified into ➀Snow peas, which eat the immature pods, ②Snap peas, which grow the beans and eat the whole pod, ③Green peas, which eat the beans inside the pod, and ④Peas, which are matured green peas.
Although the name changes depending on the maturity level, it is originally the same plant.

About seasonings
Chicken consommé is commonly used in Western dishes (such as stews and pilaf), and chicken broth mix are commonly used in Chinese dishes (such as ramen and fried rice).
In Japan, there are several types of seasonings similar to chicken broth mix. It doesn’t matter which one you use.
- 鶏ガラスープの素(chicken broth mix): Widely available, like chicken consommé. Chicken is the base.
- 味覇 (Waeper)& 創味シャンタン(Somi Shantan): Ingredients are chicken and pork.
- 中華味(Chuka-aji): Ingredients are chicken, pork, and oysters.
味覇 (Waeper) is sold in several varieties to people overseas. Even vegans can use it. Check out our homepage! 👉 https://koukishoko.co.jp/weipa/weipa-details.html

NUTRITION FACTS of Easy stir-fry recipe:Snap peas seasoned with SOMI SHANTAN
48kcal Protein 1.9g Fat 1.5g Carbs 6.5g Salt Equivalent 0.7g
INGREDIENTS for Easy stir-fry recipe:Snap peas seasoned with SOMI SHANTAN (3SERVINGS)
- Snap peas 170g
- Grated ginger 4g
- Chili pepper a pinch
- Sesame oil 4g
- Somi shantan 4g
- Sake 20g
Easy stir-fry recipe:Snap peas seasoned with SOMI SHANTAN COOKING INSTRUCTIONS
Watch the video to learn how to remove strings from peas.
➀ Wash snap peas and remove strings.
② Stir-fry the snap peas, ginger, and chili peppers in sesame oil.
③ Stir in the Somi shantan mix and sake.

There is a dish called “清炒豆苗(sir fry pea sprouts)” that is served as an appetizer in Chinese restaurants. It uses pea sprouts instead of snap peas. It is very cheap and low in calories. And despite its simple appearance, it is very delicious! Please give it a try.