Qchan : Easy Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe

side dish
"Qchan" (Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe)

“Qchan” (Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe) 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

キューちゃん漬け(Qchan zuke )

“qchan(Kyu-chan)” is a cucumber marinated in soy sauce.

Kyuuri no Kyu-chan(Qchan)” is a Japanese-style cucumber pickle that was launched in 1962 by a company called Tokai Tsukemono. It is a long-selling product that has been loved for 60 years to this day.

When it was first released, the typical way to make cucumber tsukemono was to use rice bran, so the idea of ​​combining cucumber and soy sauce was quite novel.

In addition, the unique name Qchan was well-received by the public and helped popularize the product.

The rice goes on with the crunchy texture. I love this product and have tried making it at home.

In the summer, cucumbers can be harvested in abundance in rural fields. I’m happy, but it’s easy to damage, so I’m in a hurry to consume it quickly. If you want to use a lot of cucumbers, try this recipe.

Qchan’s official website is here. 👉 https://www.kyuchan.co.jp/kyuchan/index.html

NUTRITION FACTS of “Qchan” (Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe)

26.2kcal Protein 0.9g Fat 0g Carb 5.6g Salt Equivalent 1.2g

INGREDIENTS for “Qchan” (Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe) (10servings)

  • cucumber 500g
    • salt 10g
  • grated ginger 5g
  • red pepper 0.5g
  • ☆soy sauce 25g
  • ☆sugar 25g
  • ☆mirin 10g
  • ☆vinegar 35g
  • salted kelp 15g

“Qchan” (Japanese Pickled Cucumber Recipe) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

①Cut the cucumber lengthwise and scrape the seeds with a spoon. Thin cucumbers can be left as they are without shaving.

② Slice into 2mm slices, mix with salt and leave for 1 hour.

③Drain and fry in a pan. Heat over medium to high heat to evaporate the moisture.

④When it becomes tender, add the grated ginger and red pepper and stir-fry.

⑤Add soy sauce, sugar, mirin and vinegar.

⑥When the water is completely absorbed, mix it with salted kelp.

⑦Put it in a clean storage container. You can store it in the refrigerator for about a week.




発売当時、きゅうりの漬物といえば米ぬかを使うのが一般的だったため、きゅうりと醤油を組み合わせるという発想はかなり斬新でした。 キューちゃんというユニークなネーミングも大衆に好評で、商品の普及に一役買いました。




  • きゅうり  500g
    • 塩  10g
  • すりおろし生姜  5g
  • 赤唐辛子  0.5g
  • ☆しょうゆ  25g
  • ☆砂糖  25g
  • ☆みりん  10g
  • ☆酢  35g
  • 塩昆布  15g


①きゅうりは縦に切り、スプーンで種をこそぎ取る。 細いキュウリは削らずにそのままでもOK。


③水気を切ってフライパンで炒める。 中火から強火にかけて水分を飛ばす。






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