Tender pork steak recipe using the power of enzymes

main dish
Tender pork steak recipe

Tender pork steak recipe 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

豚肉のオランダ焼き(butaniku no oranda yaki)

What kind of dish is Tender pork steak??

A dish of pork marinated in a sauce made from grated onions and garlic and grilled.

Daikon radishes and onions contain protease, which is a proteolytic enzyme.
If you soak them in grated daikon radish and onions for a few hours, they will be cooked softly by the action of enzymes.

It’s an easy-to-make and hearty dish. Recommended when you feel like eating meat.

I forgot the origin of the name Oranda-yaki. I can’t remember and I’m confused(;´Д`)

NUTRITION FACTS of Tender pork steak recipe

369kcal Protein 22.1g Fat 26.5g Carb26.5g Salt Equivalent 1.2g

※Calorie content of garnish is excluded.

⋈*The garnish is macaroni, zucchini, eggplant and paprika sautéed, cucumber and tomato. This macaroni is a convenient product that can be boiled in just one minute.

INGREDIENTS for Tender pork steak recipe( 2 SERVINGS)

  • onion 100g
  • ☆grated garlic 3g
  • ☆ground sesame 5g
  • ☆red pepper moderate amount
  • ☆soy sauce 15g
  • pork loin 240g
  • oil 5g
  • sake 50g

Tender pork steak recipe COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀Grate the onion.

②Mix the onion, garlic, ground sesame, red pepper, and soy sauce.

③Make several cuts with a knife at the boundary between the lean meat and the fat. This will prevent the meat from curling.

④Marinate the meat in sauce for 1 hour.

⑤Heat a frying pan with oil and brown both sides of meat.

⑥Add sake and marinated juice. Cover and steam over medium heat.



大根や玉ねぎにはタンパク質分解酵素であるプロテアーゼが含まれています。 大根おろしや玉ねぎに数時間漬けておくと、酵素の働きで柔らかく仕上がります。


オランダ焼きの名前の由来は忘れてしまいました。 思い出せなくてモヤモヤする(;´Д`)


  • 玉ねぎ  100g
  • ☆おろしにんにく  3g
  • ☆すりごま  5g
  • ☆赤唐辛子  適量
  • ☆しょうゆ  15g
  • 豚ロース肉  240g
  • 油  5g
  • 酒  50g

⋈付け合わせはマカロニ、ズッキーニ、ナスとパプリカのソテー、キュウリ、トマトです。 このマカロニは茹で時間わずか1分で完成する便利な商品です。




③赤身と脂身の境目に包丁で数カ所切り込みを入れる。 これにより、肉が丸まるのを防ぎます。



⑥酒と漬け汁を加える。 蓋をして中火で蒸す


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