Butaniku Misozuke yaki:Miso Marinade Pork Loin Steak

豚肉のみそ漬け焼き Grilled pork marinated in miso main dish
豚肉のみそ漬け焼き Grilled pork marinated in miso
Butaniku Misozuke yaki:Miso Marinade Pork Loin Steak

Butaniku misozuke yaki (豚肉みそ漬け焼き)

What kind of dish is Butaniku misozuke yaki?

This is a pork loin steak recipe made by marinating it in miso sauce and then frying it in a frying pan. The savory aroma of red miso whets my appetite.

butaniku = pork zuke = marine yaki = grill,bake

This dish is often made at home because it is easy and delicious for anyone to make.

I use red or awase miso, but if you prefer a milder saltiness, white miso may be a good choice.

Check out this article to learn about different types of miso. 👉 Japanese traditional seasoning miso

There is no strict rule for how long you should marinate the pork in the miso sauce (a few hours to 2 days), so please adjust it to suit your schedule. I always marinate it on my days off and eat it for dinner on weekdays. I come home from work feeling happy, thinking, “Today I’m going to grill the marinated meat!”

Cooking Tips

  • Make cuts in the pork loin to prevent it from shrinking when cooked.
  • Please wipe off the miso sauce before grilling. If there is miso sauce on the meat, it will burn easily.
  • Use the fat that flows out from the pork loin to sear the meat.
  • I don’t use a lid, but if the meat is thick, you should.

You can use pork tenderloin or chicken thigh meat for misozuke yaki. If you plan to eat it cold, such as in a bento, it is better to use pork tenderloin meat with less fat. This is because fat will harden when it cools. This onigirazu rice ball is filled with pork tenderloin misozukeyaki and fried garlic scapes.

For more onigirazu, check out this tuna mayo onigirazu article. 👉 Recipe for Tuna mayo onigirazu (New type rice ball)

NUTRITION FACTS of Butaniku Misozuke yaki:Miso Marinade Pork Loin Steak

  • 254 kcal
  • Protein 17.3 g
  • Fat 16.0 g
  • Carbs 8.8 g
  • Slt Equivalent 1.7 g

INGREDIENTS for Butaniku Misozuke yaki:Miso Marinade Pork Loin Steak(2SERVINGS)

  • Pork loin (2 pieces 200g)
  • ☆Red miso (20g)
  • ☆Sugar (2g)
  • ☆Mirin (6g)
  • ☆Soy sauce (3g)
  • ☆Grated garlic (1g)
  • ☆Grated ginger (1g)
  • ☆Sake (5g)

If you increase the amount of ingredients in the recipe, adjust the amount of sake so that the viscosity of the miso sauce is similar to that of mayonnaise.

Butaniku Misozuke yaki:Miso Marinade Pork Loin Steak COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

  1. Make cuts in the pork loin with a knife.
  2. Mix red miso, sugar, mirin, soy sauce, grated garlic, grated ginger, and sake.
  3. Cover the pork loin with the miso sauce and marinate for a few hours to overnight.
  4. If you have time, leave the marinated meat at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour before grilling.
  5. Roughly remove the miso sauce from the surface of the meat.
  6. Put the meat in a heated frying pan.
  7. If you use meat that is about 1 cm thick, grill it over medium heat for about 3 minutes on each side.
  8. Turn the meat over and grill for 3 minutes.
  9. Try not to touch the meat too much while it is grilling. If a lot of fat seems to come out of the meat while grilling, absorb it with a paper towel.


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