Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hot dog with tartar sauce

main dish
Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hotdog with tartar sauce

Saba sando (サバサンド)

saba fidh = mackerel  coppe pan = hot dog bun

What the kind of dish is Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hot dog with tartar sauce⁇

This is a unique hot dog recipe using mackerel.

In Japan, saba is generally grilled with salt or stewed in miso.

So I looked for a new way to eat saba, which can be a bit monotonous.

In Japan, garlic chili pasta is called “peperoncino”. In this recipe, I cooked saba in peperoncino style.

The savory aroma of garlic and savory soy sauce makes this a wonderful dish. The combination of garlic and soy sauce is very popular in Japan, not just in this dish.

This unique grilled saba can also be eaten with baguette or pasta.

I used Atlantic mackerel, which was seasoned with salt. In Japan, mackerel is often sold as salted mackerel. If you don’t have salted mackerel, rub 240g of mackerel with 2g of salt.

Mackerel has a lot of fat, but it contains a lot of good fat such as DHA and EPA (n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids).

For more information on DHA and EPA, see this article. 👉  Grilled mackerel marinated in shiso sauce

NUTRITION FACTS of Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hot dog with tartar sauce

kcal Protein g Fat g Carb g Salt Equivalent g

INGREDIENTS for Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hot dog with tartar sauce (3SERVINGS)

  • 3 slices of Norwegian salted mackerel (240g)
    • Flour (15g)
  • Garlic (8g)
  • Red pepper (pinch)
    • Olive oil (30g)
    • Soy sauce (10g)
  • Onion (30g)
  • Lettuce (15g)
  • coppe pan (3pieces)
  • Butter (15g)
  • Tartar sauce (30g)
  • Lemon (1/2)
  • Parsley (optional)

I recommend “Cooking flower”. This is non-sticky, so you can bake it to crispy.

Saba sando :Garlic flavor mackerel hot dog with tartar sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

  1. Wipe the salted mackerel clean with kitchen paper and sprinkle with wheat flour.
  2. Slice the garlic.
  3. Place the olive oil, garlic, and chili peppers in a frying pan and heat over low heat.
  4. When the smell of garlic comes out and it becomes crispy, turn off the heat.
  5. Garlic is taken out once. Because garlic burns easily.
  6. Place the salted mackerel skin side down and grill over medium heat.
  7. When the mackerel is cooked, put the garlic back in.
  8. Add the soy sauce and shake the frying pan to cover the entire surface with sauce, then turn off the heat.
  9. Make cuts in the coppe pan
  10. Spread butter and tartar sauce on the cut surface
  11. Place lettuce, onion, and mackerel cut into bite-sized pieces.
  12. Garnish with parsley.
  13. Squeeze the lemon when you eat.
Great fish recipe Mackerel Peperoncino


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