Home made Tori ham Recipe (Steamed chicken breast)

side dish
Tori ham (Steamed chicken breast)

Tori ham (鶏ハム)

What kind of dish is Tori ham??

Steamed chicken breast is called “salad chicken” or “tori ham” in Japan. “鶏(tori)” means chicken. Convenience stores and supermarkets sell a wide variety of them. But it’s so easy to make. You can arrange it to your favorite taste, and the cost can be suppressed.

I really like this steamed chicken recipe and have made it many times. Please, try it.

Steamed chicken breast (tori ham) and broccoli salad recipe

NUTRITION FACTS of Tori ham (Steamed chicken breast)

510 kcal Protein 90 g Fat 11 g Carb 6 g Salt Equivalent 4 g

INGREDIENTS for Tori ham (Steamed chicken breast) (2SERVINGS)

⋈*steamed chicken (tori ham)

  • chicken breast (without skin) 400g
  • ☆herb salt 5g
  • ☆sugar 4g
  • ☆oil 5g
  • ☆sake 10g
  • water 200g

Tori ham (Steamed chicken breast) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

⋈*steamed chicken

➀Remove the skin from the chicken breast.

②Hit it with a stick to stretch it to about 1.5 times its original size. You can skip this step if you want to save time.

③Soak the chicken breast in a mixture of herb salt, sugar, oil and sake. Leave in the refrigerator for a day.

④Roll it up and wrap it in plastic wrap. Prick the wrap with a fork once to make a hole.

⑤Fill the pressure cooker with water, put a mesh for the steamer on it, and put the chicken breast on it. Pressurize for 6 minutes. Cut after natural cooling.

⑥Fill the pressure cooker with water, put a mesh for the steamer on it. Put the chicken breast on it, pressurize for 6 minutes.

⑦When the pressure cooker releases the pressure, cut the chicken. It’s hot, so let it cool before cutting.


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