Breaded chicken with a unique mustard sauce flavor

main dish
Breaded chicken with a unique mustard sauce flavor

Tori niku no mastard panko yaki(鶏肉のマスタードパン粉焼き)

tori niku = chicken meat  panko = bread crumbs  yaki = bake

What kind of dish is Tori niku no mastard panko yaki ??

The chicken was marinated in a sauce, covered with bread crumbs and baked. It is a dish with an attractive crispy texture.

It’s well seasoned, so it’s perfect for dinner with alcohol.

A dish in which ingredients are coated in breadcrumbs and baked is called “panko yaki.” When making pankoyaki, if you use a frying pan, the batter will easily peel off from the chicken. With this recipe, you don’t have to worry about that.

Mixing bread crumbs and oil before baking is the key to a crispy texture (*´-`)

The garnish is sweet potato and apple compote. Also check out this recipe.      👉 Sweet potato, apple and raisin compote

About the type of source

☆*:.。.Classification by JAS standard

According to Japanese JAS standards, sauces are classified into three categories: Worcestershire sauce, Chuno sauce, and Noukou sauce. The classification criterion is viscosity.

Worcestershire Sauce

Worcestershire sauce originated in Worcestershire, England in the early 19th century.

This savory sauce is made from vegetables and fruits with seasonings and spices. It is less viscous than other sauces and has a sharp and sour taste.

Side note: I heard that overseas Worcestershire sauce tastes quite different from Japan’s. I use Kagome’s Worcestershire sauce.                           👉

Chuno Sauce

Chuno means medium viscosity, which is thicker than Worcestershire sauce. It is a taste that combines the taste of vegetables and fruits.

It is a versatile sauce that can be used for frying or as a secret ingredient in curry and meat sauce.

Nouko sauce

Noukou means high viscosity. It’s even thicker than chuno sauce, and you can enjoy a solid taste. Due to its high viscosity, the batter of deep-fried food does not become watery, and the texture is easy to feel.

Therefore, this sauce has become a standard when eating tonkatsu, and many people call this tonkatsu sauce. It’s made with plenty of fruit and has a sweet taste with little acidity or spiciness, so it’s easy for children to eat.

☆*:.。.Other sauces

Oyster sauce

It is an indispensable ingredient for Chinese cuisine such as “青椒肉絲” and “上海焼きそば”.The unique flavor and taste of oysters that cannot be tasted with other sauces is attractive.

NUTRITION FACTS of Breaded chicken with a unique mustard sauce flavor

550kcal Protein 32.2g Fat 38.5g Carb 20.4g Salt Equivalent 2.2g

INGREDIENTS for Breaded chicken with a unique mustard sauce flavor (2SERVINGS)

  • chicken thigh 350g
  • grain mustard 10g
  • Worcester sauce or chuno sauce 35g
  • bread crumbs 40g
  • oil 25g

Breaded chicken with a unique mustard sauce flavor COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀ Preheat the oven to 230°C. 230 degrees Celsius is 446 degrees Fahrenheit.

② Spread the chicken and cut it in half.

③ Mix grain mustard and sauce and marinate the chicken for 1 hour to overnight.

④ Put bread crumbs and oil in a bowl and mix. Add the oil with your left hand while stirring with your right hand so that it is evenly distributed.

⑤ Place the marinated meat in a bowl and cover with bread crumbs.

⑥ Put a wire mesh on the baking sheet and arrange the chicken skin side up.

⑦ Set the baking sheet in the lower part of the oven and bake for 25 minutes at 230 degrees.

⑧ Cover with aluminum foil when browned to prevent burning.


鶏肉をタレに漬け込み、パン粉をまぶして焼き上げました。 サクサクとした食感が魅力的な一品です。 味付けもしっかりしているので、お酒のおつまみにぴったりです。

食材にパン粉をつけて焼いた料理を「パン粉焼き」といいます。 パン粉焼きを作るとき、フライパンを使うと鶏肉から衣が剥がれやすいんですよね。 このレシピならその心配は要りません。




☆*:.。.JAS規格による分類 日本のJAS規格によれば、ソースは「ウスターソース」「中濃ソース」「濃厚ソース」の3つに分類されます。 分類基準は粘度です。



この風味豊かなソースは、野菜や果物に調味料やスパイスを加えて作られています。 他のソースに比べて粘度が低く、酸味がありシャープな味わいです。

補足:海外のウスターソースは日本のものとはかなり味が違うと聞きました。 私はソースはカゴメのウスターソースを使用しています。


中濃とは中程度の粘度を意味し、ウスターソースよりも濃厚です。 野菜と果物の味わいを融合させた味わいです。



「nouko」とは粘度が高いという意味です。 中濃ソースよりもさらに濃厚で、しっかりとした味わいが楽しめます。 粘度が高いため、揚げ物の衣が水っぽくならず、食感が感じやすい。

そのため、とんかつを食べる際にはこのソースが定番となり、とんかつソースと呼ばれることが多いです。 フルーツをたっぷり使用し、酸味や辛みが少なく甘みのある味わいなので、お子様でも食べやすいです。



牡蠣を原料としています。 中華料理によく使われ、「青椒肉絲」や「上海焼きそば」には欠かせません。 牡蠣由来の風味と味わいは他のソースでは味わえません。


  • 鶏もも肉  350g
  • 粒マスタード  10g
  • ウスターソースまたは中濃ソース  35g
  • パン粉  40g
  • 油  25g


①オーブンを230℃に予熱します。 摂氏 230 度は華氏 446 度です。



④ボウルにパン粉と油を入れて混ぜる。 油が均一になるように右手でかき混ぜながら左手で油を加えます。






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