Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce

main dish
Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce
Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce

Miso mayo roast chicken(みそマヨローストチキン)

What kind of dish is Miso mayo chicken??

This chicken is marinated in miso and mayonnaise sauce and slowly roasted in the oven.

The savory aroma of miso stimulates the appetite.

Most Japanese households have miso and mayonnaise in their refrigerators.

In addition to this recipe, there are many other dishes that use miso mayonnaise sauce, such as using it as a dip for vegetable sticks or spreading it on fish before grilling.

The enzymes in miso have the effect of breaking down proteins.

The ingredients of mayonnaise are vinegar and eggs. Vinegar has the effect of breaking down the proteins in meat, and the oil in eggs has the effect of increasing the moisture retention of meat.

Roasted chicken marinated in miso mayonnaise sauce is a dish that makes use of the effects of these foods.

I used chicken thighs, but chicken breasts or pork can also be used instead.

About the barley used

The ingredients of miso are barley, rice, and soybeans.

Barley miso may contain black barley fibers. This is dietary fiber, so you can eat it as is.

However, it doesn’t have a good texture, so I choose products that don’t contain black fiber.

Mugi miso (Barley miso)

White miso on the left and red miso on the right. Awase miso(mixed miso) is a blend of several types of miso. Common households often use commercially available awase miso(mixed miso). If you want to know more about miso, please click here. 👉 Japanese traditional seasoning miso


NUTRITION FACTS of Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce

  • 449 kcal
  • Protein 33 g
  • Fat 30 g
  • Carb 11 g
  • Salt Equivalent 3.2 g

INGREDIENTS for Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce (2SERVINGS)

  • Chicken thighs 360g
  • ☆Red miso 36g
  • ☆Half calorie mayonnaise 36g
  • ☆Suger 12g
  • ☆Sake 5g

Japanese Roast Chicken Marinated in Miso Mayonnaise Sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

⋈*The red miso that I always use is Fundokin’s “Ofukuro Akamiso”. The scent is not too strong, so it is easy to match with various dishes. Click here for Fundokin’s website. 👉 https://www.fundokin.co.jp
  1. Mix red miso, half-calorie mayonnaise, sugar, and sake.
  2. Wrap chicken thighs in paper towels and wipe off excess water.
  3. Remove excess fat (Pale yellow, mushy fat) and white streaks from chicken thighs.
  4. Cut chicken thighs in half if necessary.
  5. Marinate chicken thighs in miso mayonnaise sauce for 2-8 hours.
  6. Preheat oven to 250°C. (250°C is 482°F)
  7. Wipe off miso from chicken thighs and arrange on baking tray.
  8. Place baking tray on midlle rack of oven and roast for 25 minutes.
  9. Cover chicken with aluminum foil if it looks like it might burn.
  10. When chicken thighs are cooked through, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Be sure to check out this recipe for roasted chicken wings. 👉 Japanese roast chicken recipe with garlic soy sauce


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