Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce)

main dish
Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce)

Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce)(ナスと豚ミンチの甘酢炒め)

This is a recipe that has been improved to make sweet and subuta(酢豚) to make at home.

Subuta requires many ingredients and steps to make at home, so it is a lot of work.

For that reason, it is a very popular dish to eat at Chinese restaurants.

The sauce made from vinegar and sugar is called “amazu.”

To flavor subuta, you can use grain vinegar, black vinegar, ketchup, or a combination of these.

In this recipe, we use ketchup to make it slightly sweet so that children can easily eat it.

Use your favorite vegetables, such as bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, or broccoli.

NUTRITION FACTS of Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce)

Total Nutrition Value 798 kcal Protein 38.4 g Fat 33.7 g Carbs 91.0 g Salt Equivalent 7.7 g

INGREDIENTS for Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce) (4SERVINGS)

  1. 1/2 bell pepper (100g)
  2. 1 bunch of chives (100g)
  3. Eggplant (200g)
  4. Carrots (100g)
  5. Garlic (10g)
  6. Ginger (10g)
  7. Sesame oil (5g)
  8. Minced pork (150g)
  9. ☆Vinegar (45g)
  10. ☆Soy sauce (45g)
  11. ☆Sugar (30g)
  12. ☆Mirin (15g)
  13. ☆Sake (15g)
  14. ☆Ketchup (25g)
  15. Potato starch (8g)
  16. Water (100g)

Easy Subuta With Minced Pork (Stir-Fry Sweet Vinegar Sauce) COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

  1. Wash the vegetables.
  2. Remove the stems and seeds from the bell peppers and cut them into 1-2cm strips.
  3. Cut off the roots from the chives.
  4. Cut off the browned parts and stems of the eggplants and cut them into 8 pieces.
  5. Peel the carrots and cut them into 1-2cm strips.
  6. Peel and thinly slice the garlic and ginger.
  7. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic, ginger, minced pork, eggplant and carrots.
  8. When the vegetables are cooked, add the vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, mirin, sake and ketchup to the frying pan and stir.
  9. Turn off the heat and pour in the potato starch dissolved in water and stir.
  10. Turn on the heat and bring to a boil and it’s done.


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