Pork and burdock egg binding

main dish



A dish of boiled pork and burdock covered with egg.

There is a dish called “Yanagawa Nabe” that was born in Tokyo during the Edo period. This is a dish of burdock and loach that has been simmered and covered with a beaten egg. Nowadays loach is not available, so meat is used instead, so it is called “Yanagawa-style”.

The combination of the burdock flavor and the egg soaked in the sweet dashi is wonderful.

I used the green part of the white leek that tends to be left over. You can also use burdock boiled in water.

What kind of food is gobou??

Burdock is called gobou in Japanese.

Burdock is a vegetable that belongs to the Asteraceae family and is said to be native to northern Eurasia. It was introduced to Japan from China as a medicinal herb during the Heian period.

It started to be commonly eaten in the Edo period. Although it is a familiar ingredient in Japan, it is only eaten in some parts of the world, such as Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

When purchasing, we recommend choosing one that has mud on it to prevent it from drying out. Burdock that is too thick may have a hollow hole, so burdock root around 2cm in diameter is best.

The dietary fiber content of burdock is 5.7g per 100g, which is one of the highest among vegetables.

It is also known that burdock root contains a lot of polyphenols. Polyphenols are nutritional components that break down active oxygen that is harmful to the body and prevent aging and lifestyle-related diseases.

Although the recommended amount of polyphenol intake is not specified in the Japanese Dietary Intake Standards, it is a nutritional component that should be actively taken.

Vegetables that discolor easily, such as burdock and lotus root, are subjected to a process called akunuki (soaking them in water to remove the lye) before cooking, but this process also releases polyphenols. Therefore, soak it in water for only 5 to 10 minutes.

In dishes such as tatakigobou, which have a white appearance, vinegar water is used for burdock akunukin.


157 kcal Protein 8.2g Fat 7.4g Carb 13.9g Salt Equivalent 1.2g 


  • burdock 80g
  • pork 70g
  • grated ginger 5g
  • sesame oil 4g
  • ☆soy sauce 15g
  • ☆sugar 5g
  • ☆sake 20g
  • ☆mirin 10g
  • green part of the white leek 30g
  • 2eggs


①Peel off the burdock skin using the back of a knife. Shave the burdock , soak in water for a few minutes.

②Stir fry the pork in a frying pan heated with sesame oil, and add the burdock when the pork is cooked through.

③Add ginger, soy sauce, sugar, sake and mirin.

④Pour enough water to cover all the ingredients and simmer.

⑤Add green onions when stewed until the juice is gone.

⑥Add enough water to cover half of the ingredients and bring to a boil.

⑦Add the beaten egg to the boiling pot. Wait for about 1 minute, then use chopsticks to draw a large circle to mix.


It is recommended to use a frying pan of about 20 cm.



江戸時代に東京で生まれた「柳川鍋」という料理があります。 ごぼうとどじょうを煮て溶き卵でとじた一品です。 現在はドジョウが手に入らないので肉で代用するため「柳川風」と呼ばれています。


余りがちな白ネギの青い部分を使いました。 ごぼうは水煮でも使えます。


ごぼうはキク科の野菜で、ユーラシア北部が原産と言われています。 日本には平安時代に薬草として中国から伝わりました。 一般的に食べられるようになったのは江戸時代です。


購入する際は乾燥を防ぐために泥が付いているものを選ぶことをおすすめします。 ごぼうは太すぎるとスが入っているかもしれないので、直径2cm程度が最適です。


ごぼうにはポリフェノールが豊富に含まれていることも知られています。 ポリフェノールは、体に有害な活性酸素を分解し、老化や生活習慣病を予防する栄養成分です。 ポリフェノールは日本人の食事摂取基準では摂取推奨量は定められていませんが、積極的に摂取すべき栄養成分です。

ごぼうやれんこんなど変色しやすい野菜は、調理する前に「あくぬき」(水にさらしてアクを抜く)という作業が行います。この工程ではポリフェノールも流出します。 したがって、水に浸す時間は5〜10分だけにしてください。



  • ごぼう  80g
  • 豚肉  70g
  • すりおろし生姜  5g
  • ごま油  4g
  • ☆しょうゆ  15g
  • ☆砂糖  5g
  • ☆日本酒  20g
  • ☆みりん  10g
  • 白ネギの青い部分  30g
  • 卵 2個


①ごぼうの皮を包丁の背でむく。 ごぼうは削り、数分水にさらす






⑦沸騰した鍋に溶き卵を入れる。 1分ほどおいてから箸で大きな円を描くように混ぜる

