Stir-fried lotus root with soy sauce

side dish


れんこんきんぴら(renkon kinpira)

What kind of dish is renkon kinpira??

“Kinpira” is a dish that is often made in Japan. It is made by stir-frying vegetables with sugar and soy sauce.
Root vegetables such as burdock, lotus root, and carrots are often used. The flavor of sesame oil and sesame gives accents.

I make it many times because it’s easy and quick to make. It is good to use a slicer when slicing the lotus root thinly. Kyocera’s ceramic slicer is recommended. It’s cheap, cuts well and is durable.

Lotus root goes well with vinegared dishes, tempura, and simmered dishes. It can also be thinly sliced and fried to make chips.

About lotus root

Lotus root is called renkon in Japanese and is the enlarged underground stem of the lotus plant.

A characteristic of lotus root is that it has many holes. Therefore, it has been loved as a lucky charm since ancient times as a food that can improve your future prospects.

Also, since lotus root has many seeds, it also has the meaning of wishing for the prosperity of descendants.

It is a food that is good for beauty as it contains a lot of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

The crunchy texture is attractive, but it is sticky when grated. You can enjoy a variety of textures depending on how you cut it and how you heat it.

As they tend to discolor, soak them in water for a few minutes immediately after cutting them.


72kcal Protein 1.0g Fat 1.4g Carb13.0g Salt Equivalent 0.7g


  • lotus root 170g
  • sesame oil 4g
  • ☆red pepper moderate amount
  • ☆dashi stock granules 1g
  • ☆soy sauce 12g
  • ☆sugar 6g
  • ☆mirin 5g
  • ☆sake 20g
  • ☆water 100g


➀Slice the lotus root into 2mm pieces and soak in water for 2 minutes.

②Fry lotus root in sesame oil

③Add red pepper, dashi stock granules, soy sauce, sugar, mirin, sake, and water and stir-fry until the moisture evaporates.

⋈*The menu for this day is Sweet potato rice, Deep-fried fish paste dumplings, Stir-fried lotus root with soy sauce, clear soup, and fruits.

Check out this article too.
Rice cooked with sweet potato and Deep-fried fish paste dumplings.

Look at the cooking video here💁

