Ham egg english muffins recipe with delicious garlic butter

staple food
Ham egg english muffins recipe with delicious garlic butter

Ham egg english muffins recipe 次のページで日本語で説明しています(*ˊᵕˋ)♡‧₊

English muffin with ham egg

What kind of disf is English muffin with ham egg?

I put ham and eggs on a toasted English muffin.

English muffins used to be known only at McDonald’s. I saw it at the supermarket and bought it without thinking.

English muffins are round, flat breads coated with cornmeal. They have a crispy, fragrant exterior and a fluffy, chewy interior. They can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

The garlic-scented butter permeates the bread, and the combination of the mellow egg yolk and ham is perfect for breakfast. You will be filled with energy enough to work hard for the day. (*ˊᵕˋ)

If you serve it on a plate like eating at a cafe, you will feel better.

The garnish is pickled red onion and sweet potato boiled in lemon. I love marinades and pickles. I would like to write this recipe later.

❀Parsley butter is for 5 people, you can store it in the refrigerator for a few days.

NUTRITION FACTS of Ham egg english muffins recipe

289 kcal Protein 13.5g Fat 17.5g Carb 21.0g Salt Equivalent 1.3g

INGREDIENTS for Ham egg english muffins recipe

  • English Muffin 1 piece 50g
  • ham
  • egg
  • ☆grated garlic 3g
  • ☆butter 50g
  • ☆parsley 5g

Ham egg english muffins recipe COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

➀ Heat the oil in a frying pan and place the ham.

②Place the eggs on top of the ham and cook them. If they are about to burn, pour about 30cc of water onto the surface of the frying pan.

If you want the surface of the yolk to be a nice yellow color, do not cover the frying pan.

③ Grate the garlic.

④ After washing the parsley, shake it to drain the water. Do not sqweez it. You can also wipe off the water by gently wrapping it in kitchen paper.

⑤ Chop the parsley.

⑥ Mix grated garlic, butter and parsley.

⑦ Cut the English muffin in half and spread parsley butter on the inside for 5 minutes in the toaster.

⑧ Place the ham and egg on the English muffin.

⑨ Add toppings of salt, pepper, ketchup, etc. as desired.

The menu of the day is English muffin, candied chestnuts, sweet potato simmered in lemon, carrot glace, tomato, lettuce and kiwi. In autumn, my grandmother makes a lot of candied chestnuts. I love it and look forward to it every year.



イングリッシュマフィンって昔はマクドナルドでしか知らなかったですよね。 スーパーで見かけて思わず買ってしまいました。


ガーリックが香るバターがパンに染み込み、まろやかな卵黄とハムの組み合わせは朝食にぴったりです。 一日を頑張るためのエネルギーが溢れてきます(*ˊᵕˋ)


付け合わせは赤玉ねぎのピクルスとサツマイモのレモン煮。 私はマリネやピクルスが大好きです。 このレシピはまた後日書きたいと思います。



  • イングリッシュ・マフィン
  • ハム
  • ☆おろしにんにく  3g
  • ☆バター  50g
  • ☆パセリ  5g


➀ フライパンに油を熱し、ハムを入れる。




④パセリは洗った後、振って水気を切ります。 絞らないでください。 キッチンペーパーに包んで優しく水分を拭き取っても大丈夫です。







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