pi-man no shiso kombu ae(ピーマンのしそ昆布和え)
What kind of dish is pi-man no shiso kombu ae??
Thinly sliced pi-man (=green pepper,bell pepper) mixed with shiso kelp(shiso kombu). It takes less than 5 minutes to prepare, but it’s so delicious that you won’t be able to stop eating it.
Shiso kelp has a good balance of umami from kelp, flavor from soy sauce, sweetness from sugar, and saltiness. It is often eaten with rice, such as onigiri or ochazuke. (Ochazuke is a Japanese dish comprised of rice with tea or stock poured over it.) However, if you use it for seasoning such as stir-fried dishes, boiled dishes, and salads, you can easily create delicious dishes.
Kelp is called “kombu” in Japanese and has a similar sound to “yorokobu” which means happiness in Japanese. Therefore, it has been handed down as a lucky charm to wish for happiness.
*There is a similar product called salted kelp(=shio kombu), which is also delicious if you use it.
73 kcal Protein 2.3g Fat 3.8g Salt Equivalent 1.0g
- green pepper 70g
- dashi stock granules 1g
- sesame oil 1g
- shiso kelp 10g
- white sesame 5g
① Slice the green peppers into 2 mm thick slices.
If you cut it perpendicular to the fiber, the bitterness will be softened, making it easier for children to eat.
② Put it in a heat-resistant container and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
③ Remove the heat and squeeze out the water.
④ Toss dashi stock granules, sesame oil, shiso kelp, white sesame seeds, green peppers.
薄くスライスしたピーマンをしそ昆布と和えました。 調理時間は5分もかかりませんが、食べ始めると止まらなくなる美味しさです。
しそ昆布は、昆布のうまみ、醤油の風味、砂糖の甘味、塩味のバランスが取れています。 おにぎりやお茶漬けなど、ご飯と一緒に食べることが多いです。(お茶漬けとは、ご飯にお茶や出汁を注いだ日本料理です。) しかし、炒め物や煮物、サラダなどの味付けに使えば、簡単に美味しい料理が出来上がります。
昆布は日本語で「こんぶ」と呼ばれ、日本語で幸せを意味する「よろこぶ」と似た音を持っています。 そのため、幸せを願う縁起物の食材として受け継がれてきました。
- ピーマン 70g
- 顆粒だし 1g
- ごま油 1g
- しそ昆布 10g
- 白ごま 5g