Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce

チキンステーキ chicken steak main dish
Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce
Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce

Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce

What kind of dish is Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce?

Chicken steak seared in a frying pan until crispy on the outside and topped with homemade tomato sauce.

Chicken steaks are a simple dish, but you can make them even more delicious by learning the tricks to cook them.

I learned this chicken steak recipe from an Italian chef at a cooking class.

Tips for making your chicken steak taste like restaurant food

  • Carefully remove excess fat and tough white tendons from the chicken.
  • Make the chicken evenly thick and flat.
  • When cooking, cook the chicken skin-side first.
  • Place a weight on top of the chicken while cooking (this is to avoid cooking for a long time).

This tomato sauce recipe is one that I have often made as a stockpile food since long ago.

It is easy to make with few ingredients, and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as pizza toast, pasta sauce, and hamburger sauce.

If you can get fresh basil, add it to this tomato sauce. It will definitely taste closer to the restaurant version.

pork cutlets 豚肉の重ね焼き
This dish is made by layering pork and cheese, baking it in the oven and topping it with tomato sauce. Check out this recipe too. 👉 Oven-baked pork and cheese millefeuille cutlets

NUTRITION FACTS of Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce

  • Total Nutrition Value 
    • 990 kcal
    • Protein 77.4 g
    • Fat 71.4 g
    • Carbs 16.9 g
    • Salt Equivalent 5.9 g
  • Tomato sauce
    • 95 kcal
    • Protein 2.5 g
    • Fat 3.5 g
    • Carbs 15.5 g
    • Salt Equivalent 1.0 g
  • Chicken steak
    • 895 kcal
    • Protein 74.9 g
    • Fat 67.9 g
    • Carbs 1.4 g
    • Salt Equivalent 4.9 g

INGREDIENTS for Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce (3SERVINGS)

  • Tomato sauce
    • Onion (50g)
    • Garlic (5g)
    • Chili pepper (1 pinch)
    • Olive oil (3g)
    • Canned tomatoes (200g)
    • Salt (1g)
    • Pepper (to taste)
    • Sugar (1g)
    • Dry Basil (to taste)
  • Chicken steak
    • Chicken thighs (450g)
    • Salt (4g)
    • Pepper (to taste)
    • Grated garlic (5g)
    • Olive oil (4g)
tomato sauce
Tomato sauce

Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce COOKING INSTRUCTIONS

How to make Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce
Tomato sauce
  1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Put olive oil in a saucepan and heat it.
  3. Add the chili pepper, onion, and garlic and fry over medium heat.
  4. Fry the onion until it is soft and then add the canned tomatoes.
  5. Add salt, pepper, sugar, and basil and heat until it starts to bubble.
Chicken Steak
  1. Poke a few holes in the chicken with a fork.
  2. Remove the light yellow fat and any tough tendons from the chicken.
  3. Rub both sides of the chicken with grated garlic, salt and pepper.
  4. Put olive oil in a frying pan and heat it.
  5. Place the chicken skin side down in the frying pan.
  6. Place a parchment sheet on top of the chicken, then place a heat-resistant plate or pot on top of that. The weight will flatten the chicken so that it cooks evenly.
  7. When the skin is browned, flip the chicken over.
  8. Use the remaining space in the frying pan to cook the side dishes.
  9. Once the chicken is browned on both sides, cut it into bite-sized pieces.
  10. Pour on the tomato sauce.
  11. If you have fresh basil, top it off with some. It will add a much better aroma.
Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce
Chicken Steak With Homemade Special Tomato Sauce


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